Chaos Lord Discordant: Next Week’s GW Releases REVEALED!

lord discordant

The most sinister Chaos Marine is on his way to rule your Daemon Engines! Next week’s release is the Lord Discordant, check out the latest!

Games Workshop has a “Chaos-tastic” new release coming your way next weekend! The Lord Discordant is coming to bring terror to your opponents!

The Lord Discordant

According to Warhammer Community, this release is especially good for healing your Daemon Engines in battle and adding +1 to hit. They are “perfect for ensuring that your Forgefiends, Maulerfiends and, if you’re going all out, Khorne Lords of Skulls find their mark.”

A Lord Discordant is a deadly combatant in his own right, too. At range, you’ll be able to devastate your foes with your choice of autocannon or baleflamer, while up-close they’re capable of dismantling unfortunate enemies with mechantendrils, talons and the brutal impaler chainglaive.

The Lord Discordant kit, while named after a particularly evil specimen on Vigilus known as Vex Machinator, can be used to build any Lord Discordant you like. The model has a wealth of detail to look out for, like the symbol of the Dark Mechanicum, grisly bionics and the machine spirit chamber from a Land Raider you might recognize from this classic cutaway.

This set includes several gun options and extra plating for the head.

The weapon choices you can pick from are a tricked-out autocannon and an extra spicy flamer!  His Datasheet was spotted recently, and here’s the breakdown:

Chaos Lord Discordant Datasheet

Rumored to be 150 points before upgrades, he’s T6 with 12 wounds, hits on 2’s with a 2+ save/ 5+ Invulnerable.

An 18″ range on a two-damage flamer is no joke, and the mounts attacks are pretty neat too for sure. When you charge or Heroicly intervenes he becomes an impressive strength 10 which is nice.

His Spirit Theif ability is vicious and will make quick work of low Toughness, low wound vehicles for sure, potentially comboing out heals to his engines or additional moral wounds to the enemy.

aura of discord

Plus with his Aura of Discord ability, he really helps a line of daemon engines do work, and prevents enemy vehicles from replying in kind.

Bringing a Lord of Discord will allow you to prey on heavy-mechanized lists. Dreadnoughts, Killa Kans, Knights, etc will be hitting a bit worse while your Daemon Engines are hitting even better! Remember, you can always pop the Daemon Forged stratagem and reroll everything.

The glaring problem that most players are quickly realizing is that he is over 10 wounds. That means in most cases that without seeing any other mechanics or detachments out there, he potentially can get targeted and picked off by the enemy at any time.

It’s so important of an ability we believe, that we featured a satire article, and devoted about 15 minutes of our podcast on recently!

Still, the model looks dope, and we are hopeful that it will see some sort of play on the table after release!  Between Abaddon and the new Lord Discordant, you’ll be hard-pressed to find the points to fit both of them in your list!

Abaddon Interviews the Lord Discordant for a Job

abaddon walpaper chaos horEver wonder what conversations of Chaos Marines look like in between all the fighting and bloodshed? It’s actually more laid back than you think. Read More

What do you think about the Lord Discordant model? Has this inspired you to run a Daemon Engine-themed army? Will you be running a couple of these guys or Abaddon? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.