Chaos Space Marines Possessed & Accursed Cultists: Unboxing

posseses-unboxing-nd-buildDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the new Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marines Possessed and Accursed Cultists- check it out!

Rob is back unboxing the newest releases for Chaos that will buff up your forces. He’ll see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, show the models’ size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Chaos Space Marines Possessed & Accursed Cultists: Unboxing

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Frontline Gaming |

CultistsThese are the boxes we’ll be taking a look at today and run for $50 and $60, which does seem expensive for 5 models, but we’ll have to see.

Chaos Space Marines Possessed Directions & Sprues

Possesses and Cultists 2They are doing all the splicing again, and how they set this up, you get a decent number of options for the squad. The backpacks look to be interchangeable throughout the squad as well. There are a ton of slices, though, so some of them look like you really can switch parts out.

Possesses and Cultists 3Some models have much more options than others, so we’ll have to see how much you can really mix the squad up.

Possesses and Cultists 4Considering they are multi-part, there will be a decent amount of flash to clean up, but nothing unexpected. Overall the bits look very detailed. The heads are also notched, so it looks like you could swap them out.

Built Minis

Possesses and Cultists 5They are expensive, but the models are just super cool!

Possesses and Cultists 6Rob isn’t hot on the price, but the posing and models themselves are just awesome.

Possesses and Cultists 7


Possesses and Cultists 8There are a lot of small parts on these so that it can be a little frustrating, but nothing too hard.

Possesses and Cultists 9They are pretty big, as you would expect, but don’t tower too high over the Space Marine.

Accursed Cultists Directions & Sprues

Possesses and Cultists 10There looks to be a decent amount of work for the small models and just a lot of parts for a model on a 25mm base.

Possesses and Cultists 11The bigger models also have a lot going on, but since they are bigger models, they shouldn’t be too hard. However, they do have a ton of bits, so it could still be a pain.

Possesses and Cultists 12


Possesses and Cultists 13The sprues themselves are highly detailed, but there will be a little bit of flash and such on these.

Built Minis

Possesses and Cultists 14Oh man, these are tiny! They do look cool, but the cultists in this box are just so small.

Possesses and Cultists 16


Possesses and Cultists 17They all just look great, and even though they are so small, they still go together well.

Possesses and Cultists 15As you can see, compared to Primaris, they just look so small.

Possesses and Cultists 18


Possesses and Cultists 20These were also smaller than Rob expected but again look amazing!

Possesses and Cultists 19Even compared to Primaris, they are basically the same size. From the pictures, we just expected something bigger.

Overall, the models are really cool, but the price is pretty high in “real people” dollars.

Click Here To Get Your Possessed & Accursed Cultists!

What do you think of this unboxing of the new Chaos minis? Will you grab them on their own now that they are released?

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