Cheap $49 Wargaming 40k Plastic Modular Ruins Rampart Set

Cheap $49 Wargaming 40k Plastic Modular Ruins Rampart SetThe new Rampart Terrain Kickstarter bills itself as the last wargaming terrain you will ever need. But is it for you? Let’s see what Rob thinks.

A few days ago we took a look at this terrain on Kickstarter. The time has come for Rob’s unboxing and first impressions! Let’s see what Rob thinks about this new product.

First off, he takes a look at the Kickstarter.

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory 5

Rampart Terrain Kickstarter: Pledge Today

Rampart 1


Rampart 2


Rampart 3


Rampart 4


Rampart 6


The New Rampart Kickstarter is a great way to secure some amazing terrain that is modular enough to utilize for almost any tabletop game on the market. Make sure you visit this epic Kickstarter and see which pledge level is right for you today!

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory (3)With all this in mind, he goes straight from the website into showing us his prototype set hands-on.

cobalt terrainFirst off, we can see some serious details on all the pieces that he’s got laid out. This set has a very mechanical vibe and you can tell just by looking at one section that its clearly a factory sci-fi setting. This prototype is of course resin, so it’s going to appear a little more detailed then plastic and you’ll have to work with it slightly differently in pre-painting.

Rampart converstionPlastic terrain piece (left) Resin Cobalt Factory (right)

Another thing to note, the old rampart terrain will also work with this new set if you are so inclined to get creative.

cobalt gatewayThey showed this gateway on the website and it does perfectly fit a 28mm based model, but not quite a 32mm base. However, the flooring and everything will of course still work just fine.

If this interests you get it on Kickstarter while you can as its cheaper then it will be in retail.

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory 5

Rampart Terrain Kickstarter: Pledge Today

Rob also reminds us that having this high-quality plastic on the market will (hopefully) in the long run lower prices as there would be increased competition in the space.

To hear more about the terrain, check out the video below!

Product provided for promotion & review