Children of Discord Daemon Alternatives Available In Resin!

Creature Caster Daemon AlternativesStrike fear into your opponents with these Creature Caster Daemon alternative models, like the Children of Discord, which are now available in resin!

Creature Caster is known for having some of the wildest and most detailed alternative miniatures on the market, from D&D to Warhammer, but it’s hard to find anything quite like what Creature Caster brings to the table.

Creature Caster New Daemon Alternatives: Now Available In Resin!


They recently brought some of the Daemon alternatives from their My Mini Factory to their main site, meaning you can now pick up your favorite atrocities cast in resin!

Children of Discord: $49.99

Children of Discord

The Children of Discord are fiends hailing from the hidden places of Yhtar. As lesser demons, they are primarily concerned with spreading fear and misery among the mortals that inhabit this damned place. They travel in packs, rarely ever encountered alone, and enjoy inflicting pain and suffering. 

Tahar of Ecstasy: $69.99

Tahar of Ecstasy

The creatures of ecstasy are a myriad array of strange demons that are hardwired to succumb to their whims of fancy. Strange and uncaring, they are fickle creatures that are just as likely to dine with you as they are to dine on you. The Tahar are a particular type of demon that take to the wilds, and it shapes their personality. Ruthless killers that hunt for sport, they leave nothing alive in their path. Occasionally a pack of Sarabi will join in their hunts, which are welcome additions as they are ruthless hunters as well. 

The Silenced: $29.99

The Silenced

This is one of those sets where you can really see all of the intricate detail that goes into Creature Caster’s models!

The creatures associated with the fell power of Discord are strange and many. They feed off fear, despair,and superstition – turning our worst fears against us. Darkness is a persistent fear among humankind and Geists seem to be a literal manifestation of this fear.

Creature Caster Daemon Alternatives

Unleash terror on the battlefield with these striking Creature Caster models, now crafted in resin! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your gaming experience with these high-quality Daemon alternatives from Creature Caster!

Click Here to Grab Your Daemon Alternatives From Creature Caster!