Comparing The 3 Biggest Forge World 40k Kits Ever!

forge-world-biggest-model-kitsThere have been some giant models made for the Grimdark future, check out the 3 biggest Forge World Kits ever!

Who doesn’t love gigantic models? They may take ages to build and paint, but when you finally have them done, they make some amazing display pieces even if you don’t get to play with them all that much. Because it isn’t easy to get games with enough points to even field them! But when you do, plopping one of these bad boys down on the table is almost insane!

Let’s jump into these massive minis!

Comparing Forge World’s 3 Biggest Kits Ever!

Thunderhawks walpaper1 Forge WorldAll the models we’re looking at today make the Thunderhawk look like a little baby miniature kit! So, what are the three kits? The Warlord Titan (Big surprise we know…), the Tau Manta, and the Imperial Fortress! They all carry quite the price tag, but if you want something this big, you can’t expect it to be cheap.

Warlord Titan

SupportJust the legs of this make basically every else look small! Just the body for this clocks in at over $1,500, so you really have to love Warhammer to grab one of these. This is from when Rob actually built his, if you need some help on assembling yours, check out his article on it here.

Warlord titanWhen your Warhammer Model is bigger than someone’s torso, you know this is insanely huge! The Dark Bunny Creative team actually painted this crazy monstrosity up for Rob! It stands over 22 inches tall and weighs more than double the Reaver Titan. Check out the video below for all the tips on painting this giant mini (not really a mini…)

Tau Manta

Tau MantaThis thing is massive! With some crazy dimensions of 25 inches long and has a wingspan of 34 inches. Not to mention it Weighs in at 28 pounds (before you put tanks inside). Just carrying this to the gaming table is a bit of a workout. Considering the Thunderhawk looks big normally and has a 21″ wingspan, this just makes it look puny.

Tau Manta picIt somehow looks bigger when a person is holding it. This really looks like something from the movies, that when it comes in it just blocks out the sun with its sheer size.

Tanks Inside Tau MantaThose four just sit in there like little baby kangaroos! That is just the undercarriage as well, but it would be so fun to open up and deploy units from it.

Imperial Fortress

Imperial fortressThis is arguably the largest kit they have ever released! It’s over 4 feet long and just a beast all around. While it is a building, it still is a singular kit, so it counts. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been on sale for a long time, but it originally went for over £800. There’s probably a reason they don’t sell this anymore, considering when the pieces are laid out like above, it took up an entire 4×6 table with resin! The amount of parts involved in this kit is just madness.

Rampart of FortressJust one of the rampart pieces is about 7 inches big. It is so big a Baneblade can simply pass right underneath its gates.

Imperial Fortress rWe’re not sure just how much this weighs, but we know it’s a ton. When you get this setup, it’s probably best just to invite everyone to your place and play there. No need to move this monstrosity! If you want to watch Rob’s unboxing of this giant kit, check it out here!

That does it for the big three. All are giant and are an undertaking and a half. But hey, if you want to flex your hobby muscles, what better way than this?

Do you have any of these kits? Which of the three is your favorite?

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