Consultus Interruptus – New 40k Webcomic

By Richard McKey | August 3rd, 2016 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Web Comic


Snap to, Ordinaries! We’re jumping right into this weeks comic: There never really is a good “time” in the far future is there?

And we’ve got a slew of other announcements to make!

8-1 thumbnail

First off,  we have some awesome guest artwork from the insanely talented Aerion the Faithful, of our very own Aetta!


If you haven’t checked out Aerion’s work before, do yourself a favor and gobble up every .png on his Deviant Art page ASAP!

Aerion’s 40k Gallery on Deviant Art

Next: Commissar Holt will take your questions! We’re sourcing a Q&A for Commissar Holt on our Facebook page, and in the comments section for this week’s comic. Drop him a question in either place, we’ll gather up the best of them, and answer them in a future comic!

holt profile

Looking forward to your questions, troopers! As you were!

You can talk to us on our Mechanicum sanctioned Facebook page.


Vist for back Issues -Eagle Ordniary Comic Page.

About the Author: Richard McKey