Forge World Is Listening Now: Top 8 40k Units We Want Back!

 bring them back forge world missing unitsNow that the Gorgon transport is coming back, what else would you like to see return to the Forge World webstore? We go over our top 8 unit choices for 40k!

We took a poll on Facebook asking which out-of-print Forge World models you’d like to see come back. These models were voted on the highest and made it on the list of the top picks for what commenters said they would like to see Forge World bring back!

Imperial Guard Gorgon- BACK


The Gorgon is a literal Grimdark Higgins boat thrown on some souped-up Leman Russ tracks. While there’s no shortage of armor or transport in the Imperial Guards’ armory, this thing definitely makes Guard players’ cheeks turn red.

And as of late, IT’S BACK! Forge World surprised everyone and announced that the Gorgon is coming to the tabletop once again!

So what are the other top picks that are waiting to be re-released?

 Chaplain Dreadnought

chaplain dread

Chaplains fall in battle and need to be entombed in these mechanical husks too. And to be honest, it’s probably more inspiring to see one of these guys on the battlefield than a normal Chaplain….He got blown up and still “chooses” to march forward and scream litanies of hate from a tin can. Roll this dude with a group of Thunder Hammer Termies and a couple of other Dreads and you’ve got a nice little wrecking ball squad!

 Lucius-Pattern Warhound

lucius warhound

The Lucius Warhound made it as one of the most-liked units under the poll because for those of us that have been around for a while, we remember this as the OG Warhound model from back in the day. This thing just brings back the nostalgia!

 Tauros Assault Vehicle


These things are usable by the Elysians and fills the role of a Fast Attack in 8th Edition. At only 51 pts a pop, they have a fragile T5 frame but are an insane harasser unit with 15″ movement and heavy flamer. Plus, the kit looks incredible with some similarities to the Halo Warthog.

Sisters of Battle Repressor


The Repressor was also mentioned highly in the poll. These tricked-out Rhinos are great for Sisters to pile in with Meltas and Flamers and hunt key enemy units. The Repressor is open-topped so the valuable weapons inside are kept safe for a bit longer. At the ATCs, we saw multiple Sisters lists run these things. Looking forward to the Sisters of Battle Codex release, hopefully, we’ll see a redesigned Repressor kit drop again.

Tau Orca Dropship

tau orca 1


tau orca 2

The Tau Orca is a Transport MONSTER. It only has 14 wounds and a 4+ sv. However, this thing is at least T8 and can carry up to 65 Infantry models or 32 Crisis Suits. While you might be risking a lot by filling this thing to the brim, if it gets ignored by the enemy, you can drop a whole lot of hate down onto the battlefield.

Tau are already fairly mobile so this probably wouldn’t see play in the competitive scene. But it’s also hard to not justify why you wouldn’t dump 65 Fire Warriors down in the center of the map.

Eldar Vampire Hunter

vampire hunter

The Eldar Vampire Hunter is essentially a Wave Serpent taped to Xenos rocket boosters. This thing costs just over 3/4’s of a 2,000 pt list and is a T8 flying monstrosity. With 32 wounds and a 3+ sv, it should sit on the table for a turn or two. It can pivot, move, and pivot and is decked out with anti-armor firepower. While we might not see too many of these pop up in a competitive 2k list, they are amazing for Apocalypse games.

Imperial Thunderhawk Transporter

thunderhawk transporter

Sacrificing its armaments for transport capacity, the Thunderhawk Transporter was another popular option on the list. This thing sits at T9 with 26 wounds and a transport capacity of 15 +a vehicle. It can fit regular Infantry, Terminators, Bikers, and even the big stuff like Spartan Assault Tanks, Land Raiders, Rhinos, etc. The Thunderhawk may be intended as a “transport” it also flings out Thunder Hammer-stat firepower from its cannons.

Honorable Mention: Anphellion Base

anphelion base

The Anphelion Base was a resin kit released by Forge World with some awesome lore behind it. The Anphelion project was a classified operation based out of Beta Anphelion IV. It was put in place to investigate a Tyranid threat/evolution process in the area by the Ordo Xenos of the Imperium. After collecting samples of captured Tyranids, contact with the base eventually stopped and was scouted by multiple Imperial forces once more. The arriving forces found out that the base was overrun by Tyranids and was overwhelmed. -Sick backstory right?

While these kits aren’t made by Forge World currently, aside from the Gorgon now, we have to hold out and keep hoping for a re-release.

As we’ve seen with the Gorgon announcement, it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility for Forge World to bring the other units listed above back in no-time.

With all of this on the table, what’s your top pick of what you’d like to see return?

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