Creating A Monster: Necron Conversion Corner

necrons organicThe Necrons have some really disgusting habits like putting parts onto creatures just to see what happens!

Come see some sick models brought to us by Alex Shaughnessy on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

“At the defeat of the Ctan by the Necrontyr, the Black Dynasty was outcast by the Silent King for their crimes.”

necron assassin

Alex did such a good job I’ll just let him tell you about it. Tasked with finding a way to bring the Necrons back to their organic form; undoing the trickery and evils of their C’tan masters. After millions of years of scouring the galaxy, their reanimating protocols have started to fail, with the Black Dynasty needing to salvage what they can from organic forms and primitive machinery alike.

necron assassinAcroshekh stands as a monument of his master Pharos Os’s latest works, Infusing the reanimating metals with the flesh of a living being to create a nightmarish amalgamation of something both dead and very much alive. The Necron’s ever-morphing body sees the warrior withstand blows that would fell a man many times over, using his living metal skeletal structure fuelled by Necron technology to craft new weapons on the fly.

His form stands as a foreboding warning to what the Stewardly Black Dynasty has planned for humanity when they make their next evolutionary step to a psychically attuned race, where the Necron sciences may be perfected to see their race return to their glorious organic form.

necron assassins

“We are endless!”

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