Creature Caster Children of Ruin: Unboxing & Build

children of ruin unboxing rCreature Caster is at it again with more stunning models- check out our unboxing & build of the Children of Ruin!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its amazing daemon models. This time around, they are tackling their first infantry unit which makes for the perfect 40k alternatives.

Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

Creature Caster Children of Ruin: Unboxing & Build

Creature Caster Children of RuinThese are the minis we’ll be taking a look at today. They’ve actually just hit the site for order, so if you want them, you can get them now!

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 2Rob wanted to talk for a minute about the new material they are making the sprues with. It’s called SiOres and is recyclable and actually affordable for smaller companies. The plastic doesn’t even need a primer (we think you still should) and we’ve seen a couple of companies moving to this material.

When you’re done with the sprues you can actually just throw them in your recycling and be good to go. Whereas most plastic can only be recycled at bigger centers. Just a pretty cool change overall.

The Bits

Creature Caster BoxWhenever you order something from Creature Caster it comes in a really cool custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in nice bubble wrap packages. It’s just a really neat unboxing experience for everyone!

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 4


Creature Caster Children of Ruin 3We’ve never actually seen CC attach their bits to sprues before. So this is really cool to see this new technology at work as it is far more affordable for medium to small size companies when compared to injection molding.

The detail is still crisp and just looks great. The quality is still the same that we’re used to from Creature Caster as well, so a plus on all fronts.

Built Minis

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 5


Creature Caster Children of Ruin 6There are some pretty crazy minis in here. They are quite creepy and the detail is insane. The bases are even super textured which is just convenient and saves you time on modeling.

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 7There are ten different minis in the set and each one is just pretty insane!

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 9If you are looking for some wild infantry minis to add to your forces, the Creature Caster Children of Ruin seem perfect!

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 8For the first attempt at infantry, they really knocked it out of the park.

Size Comparisons

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 10They stack up perfectly with one of the many things they could be used as alternatives for.

Creature Caster Children of Ruin 11If you were looking to use them in the Mortal Realms, they would also be perfect for that as well.

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

What would you use these for? Do you like the new Creature Caster Children of Ruin? 

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