Creature Caster Mechanatrix & Red Hoods: Unboxing

cc unboxingCreature Caster is at it again with more stunning models- check out our unboxing and build of the Mechanatrix and Red Hoods!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its fantastic daemon models. This time around, something a little different with the Red Hoods and the amazing Mechanatrix. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

Creature Caster Mechanatrix & Red Hoods: Unboxing

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

Creature Caster MechanatrixThis is the first model we’ll be looking at today, and this is just wild! It can be used as a Daemon Prince or something for your Dark Mechanicus (or regular Admech) army! This is on a 100mm base; luckily, they also have full instructions.

mechanatrix Creature CasterNext, we’ll look at some of the Red Hoods, which are part of their Fairy Tales line.

The Bits

Absolute Malice Unboxing 11Whenever you order something from Creature Caster, it comes in an incredible custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in excellent bubble wrap packages.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 2When you get the bits laid out, they look amazing, and there are a ton of them! Maybe more interesting, though, they put little pilot holes in the bits, meaning you can use the pre-drilled areas and drill them out to pin your miniatures, which is just excellent and something we’ve never seen before.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 4When you get up close on the bits, they are just chock full of detail and even have these little shims around the more detailed areas to give them more strength and not take away from the model’s look.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 5Rob would recommend using some blue-tac behind the model when cutting the bits out so you don’t break the resin.

Assembled Minis

mechanatrix Creature Caster 6When all put together, the model looks amazing.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 7You can also use those pilot holes to magnetize this, meaning you can pin or magnetize it.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 8When you get up and close on the miniature, you’d be hard-pressed to find a miniature more detailed than this. Plus, with the skin and techno being so different, you could use a lot of really cool color schemes on this. While it’s a bit jarring to go from full metal to flesh, it does have an interesting look.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 9They do have a lot of instructions, so while there is a lot going on, he got it together without a ton of trouble.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 10Rob wasn’t kidding when he said this is big, as it’s bigger than Angron and about the same size as Magnus!

mechanatrix Creature Caster 11Getting to the Red Hoods side of things, the minis look amazing, and this is actually in the same resin as Forge World. Overall, it’s very stable and just looks great.

mechanatrix Creature Caster 12


mechanatrix Creature Caster 12They have a pretty extensive line of miniatures, and they all look terrific; remember, they are a little smaller than GW minis, but it makes sense as they are normal (somewhat) humans.

Overall, they knocked it out of this park with these releases! Be sure to check out all the details below.

Click Here to Order Your Creature Caster Minis!

Will you be picking this model up? Do you like that they are going into the fairy tale side of things?

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