Creature Caster Necromancer Dragon: Unboxing & Build

Necromancer Dragon creature casterThe new Creature Caster Necromancer Dragon is gigantic- check out our unboxing and build of the amazing new mini!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its stunning models. This time around, they bring us one of the biggest dragons, and minis in general, we’ve seen. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

Creature Caster Necromancer Dragon: Unboxing & Build

Necromancer Dragon SiteThis is one of the biggest minis Rob has ever showcased on here. It’s over 14″ tall and somehow seems bigger than it is!

Necromancer Dragon Site 2This is a limited edition mini and the first wave of them sold out in no time at all! Let’s just hope they bring them back for another round so everyone can take advantage of this amazing mini.

The Bits!

Bits 1


Necro baseThey do a really good job of boxing this, it seems like it should have a bigger box, but they did a great job of packing to keep shipping down. But you can see, when everything is laid out, it’s a ton of bits!

PillarWhen Rob got this, the instructions weren’t up anywhere. But when you get this, they will have plenty of instructions online for you. Come on though, look just how big the pillars are! Not to mention how insanely detailed every single little piece is!

WingsThe wings are absolutely massive! And they come with slots on them to make assembly easier and more sturdy. They even make Rob’s hands look normal-sized… Sorry, Rob!

Wings magnet slotThen they put some holes in the body where the wings connect so you can put in magnets or dowels (Rob recommends dowels on the middle spots). This makes them even sturdier when you connect the giant wings to the body.

Completed Mini

Completed Dragon


Completed Dragon 4Here it is in its enormity! This is so insanely detailed, giant, and amazing! Rob only magnetized the wings but would recommend using dowels to give it some more strength. He can barely fit the wing in the frame, but every millimeter is so detailed and incredible.

Completed Dragon 3


Completed Dragon 2While the wings are amazing, the body itself is also a work of art. Rob went super fast so there was a tiny bit of gapping. But if you take your time, you should be totally fine.

Completed Dragon 5Since it’s from Creature Caster, of course you know they made the face super detailed.


Dragon comparisonRemember when we said he was big? Here’s how giant it actually is compared to some minis! Look how tiny he makes the puny human machines (and Primaris) look.

That does it for this one! If you are looking for an amazing project, you need to grab this!

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

What do you think of Creature Caster’s newest model? Will you be picking this one up?

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