Creature Caster’s Resin Treewalkers: Unboxed

dryad sylvaneth

Welcome back hobby maniacs! Today we’re unboxing the amazing Treewalkers from the master sculptors over at Creature Caster!

Today Rob is reviewing the fantastic Treewalker from Creature Caster!  This model is cast from a solid resin, each component is socketed for maximum durability and ease of assembly.


The detail level is right on par with the best stuff even Games Workshop puts out, if you want a humanoid version of a Treeman or Ancient, this is the perfect model for you!


This model is absolutely MASSIVE!  Towering over even a Space Marine, at nearly 7″ tall, this monstrosity will make a wonderful centerpiece for any Sylvaneth army!


Check out the whole unboxing video for both male and female versions of the new beastie below!

You can purchase the Treewalker from the Creature Caster website.