Custodes, We Ride! Atomic Empire Army Showcase

custodes ride walCustodes took to the field in a glorious display of gold and red and the Warzone Atomic Empire tourney. Check out this artwork of an army.

Atomic Empire was a pre-qualifier event for Warzone Atlanta. With so many people competing for a spot in the next tournament, we saw some amazing lists. Here is a masterpiece of Custodes bringing glory to the Emperor!

Custodes, We Ride! Atomic Empire Army Showcase

By Joe “Papa Behre” Behrend of Papa Behre’s Grim Dark Gaming.

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Custodes took to the field in their normal wargear bringing a few Shield-Captains on Bikes to lead the way. Check out this incredible gold trim on each and every one of the super-soldiers’ armor plates.

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Not needing more than a handful of warm bodies to take on the enemies of the Emperor, these Custodes marched onto the field absorbing a ton of fire and looking great while doing it.

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The detail on each model, even right down to the dude’s face, is above any average level of tabletop quality.

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Moving to the display in a “Hollywood” style sign pin-up, the Imperium flexed Terra in a new way.

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But the coolest model of all has to be a Shield-Captain that dismounted his bike to protect an Imperial citizen. He even had time to take off his helmet and draw his misericordia.

What do you think about this army display? Have you painted your Custodes in a similar scheme? What’s your coolest Custode conversion? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!