Deadly Hand-Held Weaponry: Devastator Squad LORE

devastatorWe’ve dusted off the sacred scrolls of the Space Marine Devastator Squad LORE to share with you today. These hardened marines are tasked with carrying the most deadly hand-held weaponry to devastate (see what we did there…) the enemies of the Emperor.

On the battlefield, they serve as long-range fire support for their brothers and all of the Imperium. Their weapons are strong enough to turn even the biggest baddies into dust. Let’s all take out our juice boxes and learn some more about the Space Marine Devastator.


After hundreds of campaigns, the dream of promotion for some Scout Squads might finally come true. In the form of joining a Devastator Squad. Scouts who reach this stage have proven themselves on the battleground beyond reproach. This is their first holy experience donning power armor and becoming involved with the main Space Marine Army. The newly minted Marines aren’t entrusted with the most powerful weapons right off the bat though. They stay armed with their basic gear for the first few campaigns.

They assume the role of spotters at a distance and provide close support for their more experienced battle-brothers. The elder Space Marines carry the squad’s four most powerful weapons, these heavy weapons can destroy the enemy with holy wrath from across the field. The honor to carry a heavy weapon is only bestowed upon those who can prove themselves to be steady and dependable as their comrades fall around them.

Dark Angels Devastators

Devastator squads consist of four to nine marines. And are Led into battle by a hardened Space Marine Sergeant. Space Marine chapters are the best-equipped fighting force in the entire galaxy. They have access to a wide variety of heavy weapons and change their gear depending on what the mission calls for or whatever weapons their Chapter favors the most.

Four successful tours of duty, wrought with grueling years and endless bloodshed, are what it takes to move into the main ranks of the Marines. They passed the test. Often assigned to Tactical or Assault squads.

Devastator Squad in different Chapters

Let’s take a look at the chapter known for amassing amazing amounts of devastating firepower to destroy their enemies, instead of utilizing crazy assaults, are the Dark Angles. This is in no small part due to their combat doctrines.


On the other hand, the Space Wolves do things the exact opposite way. Known in the chapter as Long Fangs, their Devastator Squads are the most experienced warriors the chapter has to offer. They don’t get deadly weaponry after being a measly scout. They must first prove themselves in countless tours as Blood Claws, showing the strength of Fenris in close quarters. That’s not all, after that, they must further prove their worth in the ranks of the Grey Hunters.

The Blood Angels follow a similar decree. Therefore, it takes years of toil before moving marines into the Devastator Squads. Only once they have shown their mettle on dozens of worlds do they join the ranks of the Devastators. The natural aggression of the Blood Angels first needs to be assigned in assault before they can be trusted with such precious weaponry. If a Blood Angel hasn’t soothed his need for assault, why give him a big gun that makes it hard to run headfirst at the enemy…

Find Out More About the Devastator Squads!