6 Best Weapons To Use With Space Marine Doctrines Now!

By Wesley Floyd | October 24th, 2019 | Categories: Primaris, Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

Check out this list of the six best weapons to use now with the Space Marine Doctrines. What are your go-to weapons for the Astartes?

Space Marines have one of the biggest weapon selections to choose from in the game. And with Doctrines applying to almost every weapon, it comes down to potency and cost to see which weapons are the best options. Take a look at our recommendations and let us know what you think.

Space Marine Doctrines

angels of death combat doctrine

It’s important to know what these are and how they work. Basically, if you play one of the chapters from the 2019 supplement books, you get access to these. However, your army must be completely from the same Chapter and can’t have any other Imperial factions. That being said, you also always start on the Devastator Doctrine and work your way down each turn if you want to. So here are some of the best options for Heavy Weapons.

The Best Heavy Weapons For the Devastator Doctrine

heavy bolter chaos space marine

Looking at the Devastator Doctrines, the main thing is that Heavy Weapons get -1 AP. So for the sake of flexibility and cost, Missile Launchers are our first pick. You’re getting a single S8 -2 AP D6 damage Krak missile, or have the option to fire Frag at D6 shots, S4 -1AP 1 damage. You’re essentially filling two battlefield roles in one weapon. However, it’s even better than before cause of the bonus -1

Lascannons are always good but at -4 AP the enemy is usually forced to take their invulnerable save anyways so you also lose out on the flexibility of D6 S4 shots.


Another great option is the Redemptor Dreadnought’s onslaught gatling cannon loadout. For each model costing 159 pts, you’re getting 18 S5 -1 1 damage shots base. But with the Devastator Doctrine active, you’ll be wounding marines on a 3+ and forcing them to take a -2 AP armor save. The shots might only be 1 damage apiece but that will chew through Primaris and normal Marines alike.

Combine this with the Imperial Fist Chapter Tactic to negate any cover saves and you’ve got a real threat on the board.

The Best Weapons for the Tactical Doctrine


The first thing that came to mind for the Tactical Doctrine was the Intercessor’s bolt guns. While you can’t go wrong with -3 AP Stalker Bolters (in the Devastator Doctrine) or -2 AP regular bolters for the Tactical Doctrine, the real winner here is their auto bolt rifle. At assault 3, you’ll be slapping an additional -1 AP on there pumping out 30 S4 -1 AP shots each shooting phase. That can shred Orks or force enemy Marines to stay back. But it gets a lot better.

bolt storm

Vigilus Version of the Strat

Using one of the Stratagems first spotted out of Vigilus, you can spend 2CP now on a squad of Veteran Intercessors and auto-hit with your guns. That means you can pelt an enemy Eldar Flyer that might be -2 to hit with thirty -1 AP shots, for example. These guys are $$$.

Note: this is now 2cp in the new marine book and supersedes the Vigilus version.

The Best Weapons For the Assault Doctrine

40k assault warhammer space marine

Finally, looking at the melee portion of the Marine’s rules, the best, spammable option we can think of is the plain old chain sword. The Chainsword comes at no cost and gives an extra attack. While Marines will still have a -1 AP added to their fists in melee, an extra free attack is always nice.

Another great weapon we can make the case for would be a squad of Vanguard Vets geared with lightning claws. Give these guys jump packs for the speed bonus and keep them in reserves until the Assault Doctrine turns on, then barrel these guys into problem Marines like Hellblasters/Aggressors and dice them up with -3 AP hits that reroll wounds.

Overall, it might not seem like a huge difference between 0 AP and -1 AP but it’s actually a drastic jump on the tabletop. And now that Marines have a way to reduce the save against the enemy by any weapon/phase of the game, they are going to be a real triple threat on the table.

With that said, what is your favorite weapon to use with the Doctrines? What’s been your experience using some of the ones we talked about?

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