Demand Has Overtaken Supply of Miniatures On eBay

soulbound space marine wal horIt looks like demand has overtaken the supply of miniatures on the secondary market as prices of painted 40k models have skyrocketed on eBay.

Before we jump in, this post deserves a disclaimer. We know that painted pieces are a form of art and the years of experience someone has under their belt also affords a higher cost. We aren’t picking any side to the prices of things we’re about to show you. We are just presenting the information that prices are steadily going up on commissioned/painted 40k kits.

Cheap Is Not Enough For Commissioning a Miniature Painter

Currently it looks that with this level of demand, people may not mind paying a premium to add a finished painted miniature to their collection.

Demand Has Overtaken Supply of Miniatures On eBay

necron pylon ebayThis Necron Pylon is on eBay going for over $700. It’s a single kit from Forge World that only costs $89 unassembled. That leaves $646.77 worth of assembly and painting for this single model. Yes it goes without saying that kind of money could buy an entire army’s worth of plastic kits outright.

ebay repulsorLooking at a Repulsor that’s got a fairly basic paint job with no Chapter insignias, it’s clocking in at $280 which is about three times as much as one fresh from Games Workshop costs.

ebay dimachaeronHere is a Dimachaeron which normally goes for $155 on Forge World’s website going over four times the kit’s base cost.

ebay impulsorLooking at three Impulsors that cost $225 if you bought three straight from GW, they’re going for $750 on eBay. Is it worth spending almost $1,000 on 75-100 pt transports? It seems to be to someone right now.

ebay inceptorHere, there are two squads worth of Inceptors sitting at $360 which would normally cost $100 in total from GW. Breaking it down a little bit more, you’re paying $60 for each model, which is enough to buy one whole 10-man Intercessor squad brand new PER PAINTED INCEPTOR.

By this point, you get the idea. It seems like there’s been a steady increase in what sellers charge for their work on the secondary market. But with 8th transitioning to 9th, which is sure to grow more with the meta being faster and more fluid than ever before, it seems that people don’t mind paying the premium.

Cheap Is Not Enough For Commissioning a Miniature Painter

What do you think about the prices of models on eBay? Has it gone from a place where you could find a bargain to a commission painter’s service outlet?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!