Eldar Void Scarred Corsairs & Chaos Legionaries: Unboxing

unboxing-and-build-new-nachmund-kill-team-kitsDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the new Warhammer 40k Eldar Void Scarred Corsairs and Chaos Legionaries!

Rob is back unboxing the newest releases for the Eldar and Chaos that have finally been released on their own. He’ll see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, show the models’ size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Eldar Void Scarred Corsairs & Chaos Legionaries: Unboxing

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Kill Team Nachmund unboxingWe’ll be going over these two boxes today, and since they are out of the Nachmund Kill Team Starter Set, we have an idea of how it will all go together!

Chaos Legionaries Instructions

Kill team nachmund 2As you can see, each guy comes with a bunch of different poses, and you could easily magnetize them. This might be good since we don’t know about the new codex. Still, it will take a lot of time to do it with each one, and Rob doesn’t really think it’s worth it for him.

Kill team nachmund 3How they built the weapons makes them very hard to magnetize if you want all the special weapons. However, you could do it if you had a bunch of extra arms. The Chaincannon looks like it could be hard to build, especially if it doesn’t have nubs for everything, so be sure to keep an eye out for that.

Eldar Void Scarred Instructions

Kill team nachmund 4The Eldar arms look magnetizable and are compatible with the new Guardians bits. They also look even easier than the Guardians, but we’ll have to see how it goes.

Kill team nachmund 5They have a ton of cool posing options and really a lot of weapon choices as well. So overall, just a cool kit from the looks of it.


Kill team nachmund 6The Eldar sprues are just full of bits and tons of options! They all are super detailed, and it’s almost hard to know where to start considering they have so many options. You can do a ton of stuff, and you should have plenty of leftovers for your other kitbashes.

Kill team nachmund 7This is the new Chaos sprue, we won’t take a look at the other one because we’ve already unboxed those. It’s not huge but does really add some variety to the sprue.

Built Minis

Kill team nachmund 8The Soulweaver is actually really cool. Obviously, we went sort of fast here, so there are some nubs, so just be sure to file them down. There is some gapping here and there, but if you use the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, you should be good to go.

Kill team nachmund 9After looking at the minis, you could easily use all the Guardian parts for them and the other way around as well. You could make a ton of cool squads by mixing and matching with the bits combined.

Kill team nachmund 10


Kill team nachmund 11All the models are really unique, with just enough detail to let you paint them and still show off your skills.

Kill team nachmund 12You could really just do so much with this kit and a Guardian kit or two. This mini has such an old-school Necromunda feel, so Rob really likes it. You could also use the extra bits for this to make a couple of Warlocks and save some cash.

Kill team nachmund 13This was the main mini Rob was worried about, and there really is no indication of where to put the ammo feed or the back piece, so a little frustrating but nothing too bad overall.

Kill team nachmund 14


Kill team nachmund 15


Kill team nachmund 16


Kill team nachmund 17All the other bits add a ton of flavor to the kit and look really detailed. Besides the first Chaos mini, nothing was really that hard to build. The Chaos kit is nice with an upgrade sprue, but the extra price is not our favorite.

Click Here To Get Your Voidscarred Corsairs & Chaos Legionaries!

What do you think of this unboxing of the new Eldar Voidscarred and Chaos Legionaries minis? Will you grab them on their own now that they are released?

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