Creature Caster Engines of Annihilation: Unboxing & Build

Creature Caster Engines of Annihilation Unboxing & BuildCreature Caster is at it again with more amazing models- check out our unboxing and build of the new Engines of Annihilation!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its amazing daemon models. This time around, they are tackling another bigger model which makes for a perfect 40k alternative.

Plus all of their models just make great projects and display pieces on their own. Today Rob is going to unbox the new models, see how big they are, how they look, and how long they take to build, that way you can decide if they are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars!

Creature Caster Engines of Annihilation: Unboxing & Build

Engines of Annihilation 6There are two different engines that we’ll be looking at today. Inherently, they have the same design but have plenty of differences between the two. They are conveniently sized the same size as an Armiger, so it would be a perfect alternative. 

CC Engines of annihilationThey are super easy to put together as they have plenty of pictures for you to go off.

The Bits

Creature Caster BoxWhenever you order something from Creature Caster it comes in a really cool custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in nice bubble wrap packages. It’s just a really neat unboxing experience for everyone!

CC Engines of annihilation 2For the larger models, they will also put some of the smaller bits inside plastic bags to help protect them even more. At the end of the day, these resin bits are actually pretty strong, but extra protection during shipping is always nice.

CC Engines of annihilation 3


CC Engines of annihilation 4This isn’t even all the bits, but like always, they are super crisp and just have an insane amount of detail!

CC Engines of annihilation 5You also get a lot of weapon options in the kit as well as the extra CC weapon.

CC Engines of annihilation 6The banner is just crazy intricate!

Built Minis

CC Engines of annihilation 8


CC Engines of annihilation 7 This is the Corpse Bearer all built up and the look and detail is just next level. It went together fairly easily as well, which is always nice. The only spot of patching was on the underside of the hip joint where the little servos are. The banners on the shoulder pads are also a little fiddly but nothing too bad.

CC Engines of annihilation 9


CC Engines of annihilation 10This is the Gore Bringer, while it’s not as intricate, it’s still really detailed and looks awesome. Rob went with the opposite weapons on it and it has a much more dragon-like feel.

Size Comparisons

CC Engines of annihilation 11Oh, look at that! It’s the exact same size as an Armiger with the same base size as well.

CC Engines of annihilation 12When compared to each other, they are pretty similarly sized and would make perfect alternatives!

Click Here To Get Your Engines of Annihilation!

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