Even In Death He Still Surfs: Dreadnought Conversion Corner

surfing dreadnoughtWhat happens when you mix the awesomeness of the dreadnought with the ability to catch a wave and hang ten? Even in death he still surfs.

Come see one sick model brought to us by Chris Gpunkt of Smilodon Artwork on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group

Carcharodon Dreadnought
Even in death I still surf

=Share it with your FB Network if you find it useful and don’t forget to like my Page to be up to date with my projects thanks!

surfing dread

How can you escape when the Dreadnoughts are coming by land, air, and sea?

surfing dread

The best at this are the Carcharodon Space Marines as they are the best adapted to water.

surfing dread

“Ride the wave!”

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