Even More New Sisters of Battle Spotted At 40k Open Day

sisters-of-battle-40k-title-wal-horSisters of Battle hype is real. Even more, new multi-part Warhammer 40k models kits and sprues were just spotted! Don’t miss this!

Warhammer Community previewed a ton of new Sisters of Battle models for 2020!

An entire day dedicated to Warhammer 40,000? At Warhammer World, the official home of the hobby?! Sounds like an awesome day out, right? But for those of you who can’t make it to today’s event, we don’t want you to miss out on all the latest news. 

The Models Revealed:

Hobby heroes Sprues & Brews and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

New Mulipart Sisters of Battle Kits for 2020

We knew there would be new kits for all the units that came in the Army box. Here is the latest new Infantry model reveals from the 40k Open.

You’ve got to love a Repentia. What others accomplish through tactics, strategy and tech, these Sisters do through the precise and intense application of rage – and chainswords the size of Space Marines! Next year, adding these frenzied fanatics to your army is going to get even easier thanks to the multipose Repentia kit!

Packed with dynamic poses and plenty of options for customisation, this set will be great for fleshing out your Repentia squads – and flensing the flesh from your enemies! Look out for these sometime next year. 

Battle Sisters Squad:

We had seen these Images of new Sororitas units. Now we have a closer look at the painted and unpainted versions of them as well!

sisters of battle leak

Coming from the mouth of GW, the basic Troops kit will also offer two other unit builds:

What’s more, this set also builds you Dominions, forward-scouting vehicle killers and special-weapon wielders, as well as Celestians, elite bodyguards who’ll carve up anyone who dares attack your Canonesses. These units are marked by their own special components.

Sisters have had so much love put into them, each model looks like it could be a character in their own right.


battle sisters multipart squad

From the event, we have our first pictures of the sprues. These look to have enough torso back for 6 sisters, and fronts for five.  There is also a good chance that the box of ten will probably have two sets of sprues inside it.

You can see the sprues also have the special weapon options for making Dominion squads as well as a cherub, and standard.

The Sister Superior also has a choice of weapons from the combi flamer above top to this condemnor crossbow bolter.


Sister Hospitaller

battle sisters hospitaller


First seen with a Bane-type mask and special Sororitas object in her right hand, it looks like the model was tweaked once more and painted up.

You can tell that the Hospitaller had her cool little religious pendant in her hand changed some with her face fully open under her hood.

She looks to be a two sprue kit with custom basing bits, similar to Fierros, and may retail for $40.

 Diologus & Imagifier Models Spotted


battle sisters diologus

New Diologus Model 

GW has certainly come a long way. The new Diologus model was first spotted in an early teaser photo.  However, was officially unveiled with some serious cosmetic upgrades.

battle sisters imagifier

The Imagifier also got a helping hand. Carrying what looks to be some vague idol to Celestine, she’ll be a must-have unit to inspire the rest of your ranks.

Multipart Canoness Options

battle sisters multipart canoness

Canonesses also got more love from GW getting some pretty amazing multipart options. From staves to power swords, plasma pistols to inferno pistols. the Canoness is looking to be able to fit a variety of frontline roles.

Here you can see her scale better compared to the rank and file sisters.

Junith Eruita on the Pulpit of Doom

battle sisters junith eruita 1

The heroes of the Sisters of Battle aren’t just Living Saints, like Celestine – among their number are storied commanders as legendary as any Space Marine Captain. Perhaps foremost among them is Junith Eruita, a Canoness Superior of the Order of Our Martyred Lady with a centre-piece kit so magnificent it rivals any model in the Warhammer 40,000 range!

Junith was another model recently spotted circulating around the web. It didn’t take long to GW to pull the curtain back on this one. How could you say no to a named Sister floating around on a pulpit carrying four flamers???

From the looks of it, Judith will be arriving on three smaller squad sized sprues, and mount on a regular flight base.

With a ton of more Sisters content revealed beyond the Army Set, what are you most excited for? Will you be playing Our Martyred Lady for Junith? Or will you be making Celestine the centerpiece of your Sisters instead?

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