Everything We Know About New Sisters Models & Pricing For 2019

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The first plastic model of the 2019 40k Sisters release is almost here. Don’t miss the latest on everything we know about thier release later this year!

Following the Battle Sisters Bulletin, The Adeptus Soriritas have been getting increased support in the form of new models. As we get closer and closer to their codex release by the end of 2019, take a look at the top details for the faction.

GW Reveals Updated Sisters of Battle Rhino Designs & More

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle

Even more designs have been spotted for our anticipated new Sisters of Battle models. Check out some renders for the Rhino chassis that will be coming soon.

GW Reveals Updated Sisters of Battle Seraphim Model & More

saint celestine Celestine Returns! Sisters of Battle CosplayDon’t miss these new Sisters of Battle bits that have been previewed. Keep your eyes peeled for these to be spotted on new plastic models later in the year.

Plastic 40k Sisters of Battle Pics & Latest on Their Fall Release

sister of battle walTake a look at all of the plastic support the Adeptus Sororitas are getting. Be on the lookout for even more faction support!

Sisters of Battle Pricing Guesses

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Now that you’ve taken a look at everything there is to know about the Sisters, check out our guesses on what the Sisters will cost once they hit the shelves.

Basic Battle Sisters Squad

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Warhammer Community ran a survey on the Sisters of Battle a while back announcing that they would be giving a Sisters army to a lucky winner. Hidden in the Survey’s fine print may be clues to the new Sisters pricing based on the prices they mention in the post itself:

This year, as a show of thanks for your feedback, one lucky participant will win* a plastic Sisters of Battle army once they’re ready for release! 10 more will win themselves a squad of the new plastic Battle Sisters.

fine print

The grand prize is an entire Sisters of Battle army (worth £250). We don’t know exactly what the army contents will be but we are going to assume it would be a Battalion at the very least. There are also 10 smaller prizes worth £35 each which GW Confirmed are the new Sisters squads.



To put things into perspective, a five-man squad of Chaos Terminators costs £35Using the XE Converter£35 equals about $45 USD. However, because of the arbitrage conversion rate from GW, things that are normally worth £35 (that would be $45 USD) actually cost $60 USD.

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That means that we can probably expect to see a ten-man Battle Sisters box go for about $60 once the models actually get released. If that’s the case, they’ll be on the same price level as a ten-man box of Primaris Intercessors. At the end of the day, that’s $6 per one T3 model.

Amalia Novena 2019 GW Exclusive: $35

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The Sister of Battle we saw first at 2018’s Adepticon was finally revealed to be a named Store Exclusive! Sister, Amalia Novena is going to be available at GW and independent stores on Warhammer Day, June 29th. However, if your store runs out, she’ll also be available for direct Order off of GW’s site as well.

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With $35 for a model, That’s about what we would expect for a T4-T5 Primaris Character currently in 40k.

Deimos Pattern Rhino In Plastic: $???

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Also spotted on the Battle Sisters Bulletin from a while ago, we saw the plastic Deimos pattern Rhino (that struck excitement in the Horus Heresy community as well). With the Sisters rolling in the classic 30k-pattern Rhinos, this model may be appealing to 30k and 40k players. There are a few questions still left to be asked, however.

  • Will this Rhino kit also make the Exorcist out of the same box?
  • Will there be blank door bits that don’t have the Sororitas Iconography?
  • How much will it cost?

While these questions are all still up in the air, we can follow the pricing trend for the Sisters prices we’ve already seen. With the regular Space Marine Rhino kit costing $37.25, We’re taking a spitball guess that it could sit somewhere in the $50-$65 price range. It really comes down to how many vehicle variants the box allows (Rhino, Immolator, Exorcist- if they are not separate kits altogether), and how much value GW puts in their plastic reworks. 


Forge World’s MkIC Deimos-Pattern Rhino

The current Forge World Deimos Rhino is $60 from Forge World, so our pricing estimates may not be too far off here if GW decides to make this a spin-off kit as well from the Sisters project.

Retributor Squads: $55?


We have seen the previews of the Heavy Weapon Sisters already and we have to say we’re pretty happy with the results.

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You might remember the Heavy Bolter from a while back. It was previewed along with a handful of other weapons. We still don’t know who will be getting what exactly. But this Heavy Bolter sure looks good in the arms of the Retributor!


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Retributors are also getting a resculpted Heavy Flamer! But these aren’t just any Heavy Flamers. These are loaded with the classic Sisters iconography and style. From Fleur de Lise and medieval-looking barrel extensions, these girls are looking unique. Plus, from the two pics above, we can see that there’s going to be all kinds of variations between the models.

In addition to multiple options of each weapon type and a Sister Superior to lead them, the Retributors will have a number of head options, including bare, helmeted, or ones equipped with rebreathers – all of which have their own additional flourishes of detail. 

Taking what we know about the pricing above already, and comparing them to the current GW product range they could priced similar to the new Chaos Havocs at $55. Hopefully, after the consumer uproar from the Havocs, the new Retributors will come with more of the weapon options players want!

Seraphim Squads: $50?

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Recently a Seraphim mounted on the Inceptor flight stand was spotted at Warhammer Fest. Not sure what material this is, as the lighting makes identification difficult.  We assume it is also from the upcoming plastic line that will be released later on this year.

Judging by the price of Celestine and her two Gemini twins at $55, you could assume GW values Celestine the same as Amalia Novena above. That would put a price tag of roughly $10 each on her jump pack Seraphim. $5o for five models isn’t unheard of (looking at you Space Marine Terminators). Compared to Space Marine Inceptors of the same price you would even get two more models! However, sprue wise the parts count may be about the same…

primaris inceptor

While the prices are largely unconfirmed, there could be some weight behind the math that was used to get the prices above. With all this being said, do you think Sisters of Battle are going to remain notoriously expensive even in plastic kits? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.