FAQception: GW FAQ’s Their April 40k FAQ

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It’s FAQception! The dust has been settling on 40k’s big FAQ. However, GW dropped just clarified more of their rulings today!

Warhammer Community dropped an addendum to their big FAQ. As you know April’s 40k FAQ was a much-needed reset button for the meta. It fixed Fly, the way units interact with Airborne keyword units, and so much more. Lets check out what some of the updates were in the addendum.

40k Gets FAQceptioned

space marine terminator wal

This update isn’t like an FAQ where rules have been changed. Rather, this is just an addendum clarifying on some of the rules. The team really just changed the wording on existing rules to make them not so open-ended. We’ll go over a few here but make sure to check over everything on their main page and see if you’ve been playing your faction right.


veterans errata

Heavy Weapons take up two hands, so it makes sense that they also can’t carry something like a storm shield. If you’ve been seeing Deathwatch run around with Frag Launchers and Storm Shields, call them out.

tau errata

As for the Tau, The Fireblades don’t add another shot that counts towards rapid fire (essentially meaning that they can fire four shots per model). Instead, they clarified that you just get to add another hit roll to your pool of dice when you shoot.

tyranid faq

Again, these are just some small rules clarifications on the ins-and-outs of a few faction rules. But in case you were wanting to get a better look at the big FAQ from April, we’ve got it all here for you:

The Moment You’ve All Been Waiting For: 40k’s Big FAQ is Here

Space Marine walpaperIt’s out and available for your viewing pleasure! Of course, we’re talking about Warhammer 40k’s big April FAQ. Get all caught up on your faction.

Top 40k FAQ Changes You Need To Know!

question chaos marine hor wal40k’s big FAQ came in April. If you’re wanting to get a quick look at some of the biggest changes you came to the right place!

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