Finecast is Temporary- Profits are Forever?

By Rob Baer | January 28th, 2013 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

So here’s my latest “Faeit” commentary on the newest rumor of the week.  It looks like GW is looking to switch out from Finecast to something better- like maybe those awesome plastic character packs they’ve been coming out with as of late for Fantasy and 40k (Chaos Aspiring Champion).

Being a big company and all, with a recently departed CEO it will probably take a few years to grind the policy into place, if it turns out to be true. BUT the silver lining IMHO is that we’ll be seeing a ton of splash releases that are prefect for modeling, and impulse buying!

With that being said, if you haven’t seen my Attemped Murder of a Finecast Miniature video, you may want to give it a whirl below, it’s worth a chuckle.

From Faeit 

Finecast is Temporary

This rumor bit declares that Finecast resin models from Games Workshop is meant to only be a temporary stopgap between the high cost of metal models, to a complete conversion over to plastic in the near future. Of course that near future might be 2-3 years out, but that is near enough for me.

This conversation was collated by Kroothawk. I did edit out the drama from the quotes. (that kind of negative melodrama is really only ever needed in Soap Operas, and I am saving readers from it) Its not often I remove parts of rumors, hence the explanation.

Please remember that this is a rumor. Salt required.

via faj3r over on Warseer
I heard, from reliable source, that all finecast are going to be mail-order exclusive (my source gave it as a fact) 

Comment was that it’s possible, that the’re going into plastic with characters – instead of finecast and metal – because it’s cheaper and technology of plastic miniatures they have great these days (that I think is my source speculation)

via 75hastings69 on Warseer
Starfarer suggests that GW will go pretty much 100% plastic. They are presenting (or getting together the presentation) that FineCAST was only ever a stop gap, and that plastic is the real future….. 

Plastic may well be the future, but not if its all angular CAD sculpted soul-less crap, with increasingly less detail….. that’s not the future,

Plastic is my medium of choice, so I applaud a move to all plastic. 

This all plastic rumour shouldn’t be attributed to me, I’m just passing on what I’ve heard.

A week ago, on 18th January:
via 75hastings69 on Warseer
There is however a long term goal, although its a bit shorter now and should be seen in the next 2 – 3 years if my sources are correct  FineCAST is not work in progress it’s a live product that is on sale to the public, it was work in progress for the minimum 8 months before public launch that they were meant to be testing it!