Five 40k Rules That NEED to be FAQed?

By Rob Baer | August 4th, 2015 | Categories: Rules Conundrums, Warhammer 40k News

GW_Nottingham hq warhammer 40k

Remember the days when Games Workshop was “Johnny on the Spot” with FAQ’s? Well those days seem to be gone, and now it looks like we have been left holding the proverbial bag as of late.

I figure it’s either a staffing issue, or Games Workshop is just leaving it to us to sort it all out.  Either way here’s my list of the Top Five 40k rules that need a FAQ.

5). Daemonkin Summoning – When do units arrive that are summoned via the Blood Tithe, or their various wargear mechanics. The hot bed issue here seems to be some wording that hints that units appear before normal reserves do, thusly enabling a Bloodthirster summoned this way to be much more of a threat.

4.) Who’s Denying the Witch? – There is some loose wording when it comes to Denying the Witch (depending on how you read it), and when the Eldar dropped some players got pretty excited about the perceived loop hole. Problem is this same reasoning makes Kharn the Betrayer ungodly powerful. I think overall this conundrum is more trouble than it’s worth, but it would good to put his one to rest none the less.

3.) Summon THIS! – It’s possible that either Black Library’s digital arm juxtaposed something wrong, OR they know something the GW studio doesn’t. Either way there is a discrepancy between the digital and paper version as to weather Space Marines have access to Daemonology: Malefic.


2.) Death from Above – The new Skyhammer formation is a great tool for Space Marine players. Problem is everyone seems to want to add characters to the formation to benefit from assaulting after deep striking.  This technically may fall under the Independent Character special rule wording BUT there is a huge flow chart to follow to even attempt to resolve the enigma. 

1.) Feeling Froggy – The Iron Hands can rock an impressive 1+ Feel No Pain roll either by chance, or by design with psychic powers etc. Does a 1+ roll have a place in this game? Seems like the only way you’d be able to kill that chapter master is via a stomp, or a failed look out sir to D. Problem is you can have whole squads with similar “saves” as well…


Now granted in a friendly game you should be able to sort these out with your buddy, but I get that sometimes it’s a little more cut throat on the tourney scene.

Remember always check with the Tournament Organizer to see what FAQ, if any is in effect for that event. Plus it may be a good idea to have any questions about rules, etc. answered ahead of time instead of mid event to be fair to your opponents as well.

I feel like part of bringing hobby back is to play with your opponents, not against them!

What other rules would you like to see FAQed?


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