Flashback Friday: Top Spikey Posts of 2012: #2

By Rob Baer | December 28th, 2012 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Conversions, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome to Flashback Fridayswhere I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day, or a good post from way back (would you believe the blog is almost five years old)?

This month on Fridays, I’m going to countdown the top non- product related posts of the year for you all to enjoy once again.

Well I certainly never expected this! Dethroned from the #1 spot in 2012 in the last week of the year,  is A-10 Warthog, Counts as Stormraven ‘Nuff Said-Original post below, enjoy -MBG

This sweet conversion popped up over on Bolter and Chainsword recently.

Rottimus posted an A-10 Warthog “counts as” Stormraven, and it’s pretty cool looking.

He has some WIP shots, and his final product posted up on there all in the same convenient thread (see below).

I think his conversion stays true to the design elements of the A-10 Warthog (which is technically the Thunderbolt II, after the famous WWII fighter of the same name).  You can see the twin stacked engines, thrust masking tail stabilizers, and of course bubble canopy.

He also added are also some Vertical Take Off and Land (VTOL) elements on this conversion as the main engines, and wing thrusters can rotate.

Oh yeah then there is the GAU-8. Click the picture, it pretty much sums up why this plane and conversion is so awesome (you know you want to).

To make this thing it looks like he used a Stormtalon kit mostly, and added elements from the Stormraven (wings and intake) as well as some Valkyrie tail sections to make the uprights. I think some of the fuselage extensions may be Citadel movement trays, but I’m not 100% sure.

After seeing this I was pretty bummed that I didn’t have a spare Leman Russ Punisher Cannon to try to make my own version, and lamented about it on our local forum.

The next day one appeared on my kitchen counter, so now I must try my hand at another conversion of the Stormtalon, but this time one that flies and not just walks.

More on that later, but for now enjoy the pics below and of course the full article over on the Bolter and Chainsword Forums.

What do you think of the conversion? -MBG