Fly High With These Magnet Baron Flight Stands!

magnet baron flight standsTired of flight stands breaking off on your models or bases? Check out some amazing products to help you hobby strong from The Magnet Baron.

The hobby maniacs at The Magnet Baron are always coming up with great kits to future proof your miniatures and help with storage solutions. Let’s take a look at the latest addition to their flight stand products.

4x Medium Small Posable Magnetic Flight Stands: $10.49

Flight Stand

Broken skimmer stands?

Of course they broke, who didn’t think they would?

It’s alright GW, you all handle 8th edition and I’ll handle the magnets!

These are skimmer stands that won’t snap in half for no reason and let you pose your skimmers in the right positions, doing crazy banks and turns!

I have seen the following skimmers magnetized to good effect with this kit:

Inceptors, Eliminators, Destroyers, Tomb Blades, Wasp Walkers, Morrsarr Guard

Inceptor Note: The stand is designed to be placed on the backpack shown in the picture.  This is for a larger glue surface area, otherwise the magnet will fall off.  This is also 1/4″ lower to the base reducing the needed stem height by 1/4″.  The stems will look significantly shorter than GW’s stems, please do a dry assembly will all hardware to match the height.

There are multiple heights of stems, the taller variant is for Inceptors.

Flight Stand Base Rock Adapters:

flight stand techThese adapters help secure the base connection of the magnetic flight stands across the site.

Glue these adapters and the magnet inside the tube on the model’s base.  This will help prevent the flight stand from rocking back and forth.

Flight Stand MB

The new Flight Stand Rock Adapters come in all standard sizes for the current flight stand kits that The Magnet Baron offers. Let’s take a look at the price break down.

  • 5x Extra Small: $6.99
  • 4x Small: $6.99
  • 4x Medium Small: $7.99
  • 2x Medium: $5.99
  • 2x Large: $6.99
  • 1x Extra Large: $4.99
  • 1x Mega Large: $4.99

These Adapters are a great way to discreetly hide your magnetized flight stand and look great in the process. Make sure you visit the Magnet Baron today and see all that they have to offer.

magnet baron

Find Out More At The Magnet Baron!