Four Hidden Easter Eggs For 9th Edition 40k Necron Models!

necron wal horGW’s online previews showcasing the 9th Edition 40k Necron and Primaris models were riddled with easter eggs, here’s the four we spotted

Some eagle-eyed fans noticed these easter eggs hidden in the previews almost right away. They’ve since been making rounds across the web. Check out all the hidden things GW put into this preview.

Four Hidden Easter Eggs For 9th Edition 40k Necron Models!

potatocronGW released the best new Necron model yet. The Potatocron. This little guy was spotted just before all the new models were unveiled. However, the decoded binary says: “Hey kids, wanna see some models?

New Necron Destroyer Is From Jes Goodwin Concept Art

new necron destroyer


jes goodwin destroyerIf you look at the new Necron Destroyer thing spotted in the previews and then look at this old Jes Goodwin sketch of a Destroyer, you’d think this guy jumped right off the page and into real life. The only main difference from art to model is slight variations on the gun and the shoulder-mounted targeting thingy. We’ve seen GW take old artwork from the past and bring it in the form of a new model with the new Primaris Mephy and Fabius model.

Monolith Has Blackstone & Mystery Creepy Spider Thing Spotted

necron easter eggThe new Monolith has what looks to be Blackstone which means it might have a Deny the Witch mechanic. Plus, behind the Monolith, there’s some kind of spider walker thing with what looks to be 6+ eyes. We don’t know what kind of horror that’s going to be but we don’t see any guns on it, which means it might be a melee shock troop.

Necrons Might Be Getting a Terrain Piece

necron terrainFinally, in the background of the picture there’s another Monolith and some Warriors standing under some kind of tower that looks oddly like a plastic kit. It’s blending in with a couple of other pieces of terrain which makes it hard to spot. However, the one we’ve highlighted looks like it might be some faction terrain. As for the rules on this thing, we can only guess. But it is worth mentioning that there’s a giant slab of Blackstone in the center of it.

And there is one more fun Easter Egg that we want to talk about too, but we’ll save that for next time.

After seeing all this, GW’s might have had a bit more depth than we initially thought! What do you think about Necrons getting some faction terrain? Do you think that Destroyer model is going to be the new Destroyer Lord? Or maybe just a single Heavy Destroyer OR BOTH?

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