Freelance Sculptor 3D Prints Space Marine That Looks Better Than GW

Space Marine walpaperThis is pretty incredible. Don’t miss this Space Marine 3D print by a freelance sculptor that looks better than alot of the models we have seen from GW!

Freelance Sculptor Edgar Skomorrowski over on Facebook posted up a work of art that honestly looks better than some of the stuff we’ve seen from Games Workshop (GW). This is all pretty incredible seeing that it’s coming from one man with a passion. However, Edgar did have a little practice as he sculpted Forge World’s Solar Auxilia line back in 2013-14.

Freelance Sculptor Prints Space Marine that looks better than GW’s

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And here a mighty space marine from my favourite IP, games workshop warhammer! It s a one-off personal piece. Loved going back to Warhammer 40k and designing a model without mass reproduction in mind is just great. And the new primaris proportions are really well done! Sculpted in Zbrush and printed as a single piece.

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Unfortunately, this was only done as a single piece. Before you start scouring the web for some copies of the mini to buy, we thought we’d break the news to you here- it’s not for sale. But looking into the dynamics of the model, he’s posed as if he’s running right into melee drawing his combat knife.

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With one of the cooler Servo Skulls we’ve ever seen, this one looks like it might be some kind of shield generator/ command speaker. It’s definitely open to interpretation, but at the end of the day, it’s sick!

Finally, if this model wasn’t unique enough, he’s also rocking a bullpup combi plasma slung around his body. How awesome is this mini!

While this one-off mini is incredible, this should also serve as some inspiration. As GW prices have only gone up (as have their miniature quality), independent artists with some talent are still able to do incredible work by themselves on their own time. Maybe this has inspired you to start practicing your mini-making talents!

What do you think about this incredible character? Have you ever designed your own minis before?

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