Fun & Balanced? A Chaos Castellan Army Showcase

Winning can sometimes be secondary even when you are playing with one of the most powerful 40k army lists out there. See how Max did it.

The Army of the month for March was built with a clear purpose: get painted and play in the Adepticon Championship. Winning a single game with one of the strongest, if not the strongest list in the game right now, is secondary.

Editor’s Note: Yes the Castellan was NERFed recently, however, this is one example of how to play a competitive list and make friends still.

The Castellan List

This month’s project is a two-prong approach to long term goals. Part one is having a good army for Adepticon. Part two is playing the Siege of Vraks narrative campaign with my buddy Francis eventually.


So, Francis and I love to play pointless games, where determining who the winner is quite trivial. At some point, because he owns a lot of Grey Knights and Death Korps of Krieg, we decided to build and play the narrative provided in decade-plus old Siege of Vraks trilogy.

So I began collecting Renegades, buying them from secondhand deals every now and then. In case you haven’t figured out by the endless models I paint, I am quite good at acquiring a ludicrous amount of models. So that’s what happened with Renegades.


At the same time, I wanted to bring a really good army to Adepticon this year. I am quite fond of playing janky and weird armies, but it’s been a while since I really played an army remotely close to the top tier.

When I got into the competitive side of 40k, my tournament tactic was pretty much always the same: find a good and proven list on the internet, build it as is, and play it for a while.

So, this is some sort of getting back to my roots, taking Tony Kopach’s exact list and pestering him with questions over the course of a month about things I didn’t understand when playing it.


The Fun and Balanced Castellan List

Catachan Brigade ( +12 CP )

Emperor’s Conclave ( -1CP )

  • Straken ( Shotgun-ey Looking Guy )
  • Company Commander – Warlord: Grand Strategist. Relic: Kurov’s Aquila (Skull McSkullface )
  • Company Commander – Field Commander ( -1CP ): Fiery Denouncer. (Fancy Sword French Guy )
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Munistorum Priest ( Pointy Hat & DJ Kit )
  • Astropath, Laspistol – Power: Psychic Barrier ( Creepy Robe Guy )
  • 8 Bullgryns – 4x Slab Shield ( Axe-like Ogryns ) 4x Brute Shield ( Not Axe-Like Ogryns )
  • Armored Sentinel – Plasma Canon
  • Armored Sentinel – Plasma Canon
  • Armored Sentinel – Plasma Canon
  • Heavy Weapon Team – 3x Mortars
  • Heavy Weapon Team – 3x Mortars
  • Heavy Weapon Team – 3x Mortars

Catachan Battalion ( +5 CP )

Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company ( -1CP )

  • Company Commander – Field Commander (-1CP ) : Lord of Ordonance, Additional Relic( -1CP ):Orbital Tracker ( Positively not Nurglings )
  • Primaris Psyker – Powers: Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier ( Cool Guy Floating )
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Infantry Squad
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern

House Raven Super Heavy Auxiliary

  • Castellan Knight – 2 Siegebreaker Missile, 2 SiegeCanons. Warlord Trait (-1CP ): Ion Bulwark ( 4++ ), Additional Relic (-1CP ): Cawl’s Wrath

CP: 13

Drops: 26

Games Played Before Adepticon: 2


This is my Adepticon cheat sheet, with some sort of codes for my opponents to follow along as my Renegades are not all crystal clear on the Catachan spectrum.

I will most likely post an Adepticon report of some sort when I get back. In the meantime, you can check the full gallery on Facebook, and follow along my Adepticon journey on Instagram


The Army of the Month for April is another two-prong approach to getting things done, and will be Grey Knights!

hellfire hobbies painting

Hellfire Hobbies

About the Author: Hellfire Hobbies

Max Dubois is a hobby enthusiast from Quebec. Max produces a lot of hobby ressources that you can find on his own blog as well as well as on Spikey Bits.

He is always ready to talk shop with other enthusiasts, whether it’s about, painting, playing or drinking, no matter your skill level in either those activities.

You can also find some of his work on amazon kindle, where he sells hobby e-books for a dollar!