Games Workshop New Releases & MTO : REVEALED

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Games Workshop pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the new release lineup with descriptions and prices.

Craftworlds Phoenix Lord Collection: $95


The ideal bundle for the discerning Aeldari collector, this is a beautifully-realised bundle of craftworlds products, featuring the collector’s edition Codex and a set of Datacards:

Codex: Craftworlds Collector’s Edition

Available while stocks last, this Collector’s Edition of Codex: Craftworlds is complete and unabridged, and features a soft touch cover with new artwork on the front and back, black page edges, a black ribbon marker and the original Codex cover art on the first page.

Lost in the vastness of space, the craftworlds float in utter isolation like scattered jewels upon a pall of velvet. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet, their domes gaze into the darkness of empty space. Within them live the survivors of a civilisation abandoned long ago amidst terrifying destruction. These are the Aeldari, a race that is all but extinct, the last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns.

Codex: Craftworlds contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Craftworld Aeldari collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Remnants of the Fall: the origins of the Craftworld Aeldari, their glittering rise and tragic fall, and the ongoing, desperate struggle for survival that consumes them utterly;
– Organisation of Craftworld warhosts, along with the strategic disposition of Aeldari Craftworlds – this includes a breakdown of the colours, symbols and iconography of the worlds that remain, and the structure of their armies;
– Detailed background and heraldry of the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann and Alaitoc;
– Wanderers of the Stars: brief profiles of more Craftworlds – Altansar, Il-Kaithe, Lugganath, Iybraesil, Yme-Loc and Mymeara;
– The Doom of the Aeldari: a timeline of significant events both before and after the Fall; presented with the proviso that much knowledge has been lost, this concentrates largely on the Age of Survival with important battles and discoveries listed;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Aeldari army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Craftworld Aeldari army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 46 datasheets containing rules for every Craftworld Aeldari unit and miniature;
– Army abilities reflecting the Craftworld Aeldari’s methods of war on the tabletop,;
– The Forge of Vaul: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Craftworld Aeldari;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– A Lethal Elegance: rules for Battle-forged armies, including –
– Craftworld Attributes for the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, Alaitoc;
– 6 unique Warlord Traits available for any Craftworld Aeldari commander;
– 5 Craftworld-specific Warlord Traits, for the 5 named above;
– 26 Stratagems, with 5 Craftworld-specific;
– Remnants of Glory: a selection of 13 rare weapons and artefacts;
– Rune Disciplines, allowing you to choose between Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate for your models with the Psyker keyword;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Craftworlds

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 78 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Craftworlds gamer. Included:

– 13 psychic power cards – 12 from the Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate disciplines, along with Smite;
– 26 Craftworlds Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Craftworlds army as found in Codex: Craftworlds including 5 which are Craftworld-specific, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Objectives from Codex: Craftworlds.

Start Collecting! Craftworlds: $85


Though they once ruled the stars, the Aeldari brought about a terrible curse that shattered their empire forever. Crossing the galaxy on their vast world-ships, lead by the most powerful psykers in the universe, they rage hard against the dying of the light. Under the leadership of Farseers, psychics capable of planning thousands of years into the future with patience and confidence unmatched by any race, the Aeldari wish to see their empire burn brightly once more, illuminated by the glory of total war, before fate consigns them to dark oblivion.

This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Aeldari miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive a Farseer, 5 Wraithguard (who can be optionally assembled as Wraithblades), a Wraithlord and a War Walker, along with 2 Aeldari transfer sheets.

Craftworld Made To Order Collection: $143.50


Collect together every one of the Craftworlds Made To Order products with one click. Included:


The first Farseer miniature ever produced by Games Workshop, back for a week only! The Farseer is a single-component metal model, which comes armed with a shuriken pistol and includes a 25mm Round base.

Dire Avenger Exarch

This kit contains a metal Dire Avenger Exarch, a single-component metal miniature wielding a diresword and holstered shuriken pistol. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Howling Banshees Exarch

This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Howling Banshee Exarch, who carries an executioner. Supplied with a 25mm Round base


This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Bonesinger, armed with a psytronome shaper. Supplied with a booklet containing a datasheet with rules for fielding this model in games of Warhammer 40,000 and a 25mm Round base.

Farseer with Staff

This is a metal kit in 3 components which makes a Farseer with Staff, clutching a shuriken pistol. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Warlock with Witchblade

This kit contains a metal Warlock with Witchblade, a single-component metal miniature. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Warlock with Singing Spear

This kit contains a metal Warlock with Singing Spear, a single-component metal miniature. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Farseer with Singing Spear

This is a resin kit in 3 components which makes an Farseer with Singing Spear. Model supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Ranger Kneeling/Observing

This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Ranger Kneeling Observing, who carries a Ranger long rifle. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Autarch with Power Weapon

This is a resin kit in 6 components which makes an Autarch with Power Weapon. He holds a power sword in his left hand, with a choice of fusion pistol or reaper launcher in the other and be modelled either with banners or Swooping Hawk wings. Model supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Craftworlds Collection: $55


Collecting together the rules and Datacards you need in order to field your Aeldari warriors in games of Warhammer 40,000, this is a bundle for any and all craftworlds collector. Included:

Codex: Craftworlds

Codex: Craftworlds contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Craftworld Aeldari collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Remnants of the Fall: the origins of the Craftworld Aeldari, their glittering rise and tragic fall, and the ongoing, desperate struggle for survival that consumes them utterly;
– Organisation of Craftworld warhosts, along with the strategic disposition of Aeldari Craftworlds – this includes a breakdown of the colours, symbols and iconography of the worlds that remain, and the structure of their armies;
– Detailed background and heraldry of the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann and Alaitoc;
– Wanderers of the Stars: brief profiles of more Craftworlds – Altansar, Il-Kaithe, Lugganath, Iybraesil, Yme-Loc and Mymeara;
– The Doom of the Aeldari: a timeline of significant events both before and after the Fall; presented with the proviso that much knowledge has been lost, this concentrates largely on the Age of Survival with important battles and discoveries listed;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Aeldari army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Craftworld Aeldari army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 46 datasheets containing rules for every Craftworld Aeldari unit and miniature;
– Army abilities reflecting the Craftworld Aeldari’s methods of war on the tabletop,;
– The Forge of Vaul: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Craftworld Aeldari;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– A Lethal Elegance: rules for Battle-forged armies, including –
– Craftworld Attributes for the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, Alaitoc;
– 6 unique Warlord Traits available for any Craftworld Aeldari commander;
– 5 Craftworld-specific Warlord Traits, for the 5 named above;
– 26 Stratagems, with 5 Craftworld-specific;
– Remnants of Glory: a selection of 13 rare weapons and artefacts;
– Rune Disciplines, allowing you to choose between Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate for your models with the Psyker keyword;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Craftworlds

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 78 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Craftworlds gamer. Included:

– 13 psychic power cards – 12 from the Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate disciplines, along with Smite;
– 26 Craftworlds Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Craftworlds army as found in Codex: Craftworlds including 5 which are Craftworld-specific, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Objectives from Codex: Craftworlds.

Dark Reapers Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine.These dice are coloured black to match the Dark Reapers, and feature red numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Howling Banshee Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine. These dice are bone-coloured to match the Howling Banshees, and feature red numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Striking Scorpion Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine. These dice are coloured green to match the Striking Scorpions, and feature yellow numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Swooping Hawks Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine. These dice are coloured turquoise to match the Swooping Hawks, and feature white numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Fire Dragon Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine. These dice are coloured orange to match the Fire Dragons, and feature black numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Dire Avengers Dice: $11.25


A hard-wearing, tough plastic cube containing 20 12mm dice styled to complement your favourite Aspect Shrine. These dice are coloured blue to match the Dire Avengers, and feature yellow numbers as well as their icon on each face.

Skyrunner Seer Council: $165


Together, a craftworld’s Farseers and warlocks are far greater than the sum of their parts, skilled at shaping reality to their will.

Leverage the power of the Seer Council Stratagem, as found in Codex: Craftworlds, with this bundle. In it, you’ll find 2 Farseer Skyrunners, and 3 Warlock Skyrunners.

Craftworld Ulthwé Paint Bundle: $99.30


The perfect bundle for all you Ulthwé collectors – here you’ll find all the paints you need to get your Aeldari miniatures painted up in the colours of this craftworld. 21 pots of high-quality Citadel paints are included:

– Zandri Dust
– Abaddon Black
– Mephiston Red
– Dark Reaper
– Ushabti Bone
– Stegadon Scale Green
– Carroburg Crimson
– Fenrisian Grey
– Seraphim Sepia
– Sotek Green
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Baharroth Blue
– Kindleflame
– White Scar
– Celestral Grey
– Guilliman Blue
– Gehenna’s Gold
– Auric Armour Gold
– Reikland Fleshshade
– Runefang Steel
– Leadbelcher

Craftworlds Collection: $80


Collecting together the rules and Datacards you need in order to field your Aeldari warriors in games of Warhammer 40,000, this is a bundle for any and all craftworlds collector. Included:

Codex: Craftworlds

Codex: Craftworlds contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Craftworld Aeldari collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Remnants of the Fall: the origins of the Craftworld Aeldari, their glittering rise and tragic fall, and the ongoing, desperate struggle for survival that consumes them utterly;
– Organisation of Craftworld warhosts, along with the strategic disposition of Aeldari Craftworlds – this includes a breakdown of the colours, symbols and iconography of the worlds that remain, and the structure of their armies;
– Detailed background and heraldry of the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann and Alaitoc;
– Wanderers of the Stars: brief profiles of more Craftworlds – Altansar, Il-Kaithe, Lugganath, Iybraesil, Yme-Loc and Mymeara;
– The Doom of the Aeldari: a timeline of significant events both before and after the Fall; presented with the proviso that much knowledge has been lost, this concentrates largely on the Age of Survival with important battles and discoveries listed;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Aeldari army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Craftworld Aeldari army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 46 datasheets containing rules for every Craftworld Aeldari unit and miniature;
– Army abilities reflecting the Craftworld Aeldari’s methods of war on the tabletop,;
– The Forge of Vaul: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Craftworld Aeldari;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– A Lethal Elegance: rules for Battle-forged armies, including –
– Craftworld Attributes for the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, Alaitoc;
– 6 unique Warlord Traits available for any Craftworld Aeldari commander;
– 5 Craftworld-specific Warlord Traits, for the 5 named above;
– 26 Stratagems, with 5 Craftworld-specific;
– Remnants of Glory: a selection of 13 rare weapons and artefacts;
– Rune Disciplines, allowing you to choose between Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate for your models with the Psyker keyword;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Craftworlds

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 78 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Craftworlds gamer. Included:

– 13 psychic power cards – 12 from the Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate disciplines, along with Smite;
– 26 Craftworlds Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Craftworlds army as found in Codex: Craftworlds including 5 which are Craftworld-specific, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Objectives from Codex: Craftworlds.

Craftworld Saim-Hann Paint Bundle: $99


The perfect bundle for all you Saim-Hann collectors – here you’ll find all the paints you need to get your Aeldari miniatures painted up in the colours of this craftworld. 21 pots of high-quality Citadel paints are included:

– Mephiston Red
– Agrax Earthshade
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Fire Dragon Bright
– Ceramite White
– Drakenhof Nightshade
– Abaddon Black
– Dark Reaper
– Administorum Grey
– Caliban Green
– Warpstone Glow
– Moot Green
– White Scar
– Rhinox Hide
– Celestra Grey
– Guilliman Blue
– Gehenna’s Gold
– Auric Armour Gold
– Reikland Fleshshade
– Runefang Steel
– Leadbelcher

Triumvirate of Ynnead: $7599120104056_YnnariTriumvirateOfYnnead01

Though the chosen of Ynnead are extremely dangerous in their own right, when they marshal their strength as one they have the power to alter the fate of the galaxy. Striding majestically at the front comes Yvraine, high priestess of the Whispering God; by her side is the Visarch; and hovering above like a macabre angel is the Yncarne. Though these three are surrounded by an air of morbid power, they represent the Aeldari race’s greatest hope for a dramatic rebirth.

This box contains the Triumvirate of Ynnead. It includes:

The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead, wreathed in a roaring psychic hurricane, invigorating the spirits of the Aeldari around them, the Yncarne comes armed with Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls which can take many forms – this miniature includes a sword and a pair of daggers;

Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead, clad in the style of the ancient Aeldari and accompanied by a psychic familiar known as a gyrinx, she carries the Cronesword Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows;

The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine’s chosen champion, clad in baroque armour of the ancient Bel-Anshoc style, he channels the lost souls he has accumulated to become an ever-more lethal opponent. He is armed with Asu-var, Sword of Silent Screams.

Supplied with 1 Citadel 32mm Round base, 1 Citadel 80mm Round base and 1 Citadel 105x70mm Oval base.

Rules for using these miniatures in games of Warhammer 40,000 are provided in the box.

Codex: Craftworlds: $4060030104011_CodexCraftworldsENG01

Lost in the vastness of space, the craftworlds float in utter isolation like scattered jewels upon a pall of velvet. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet, their domes gaze into the darkness of empty space. Within them live the survivors of a civilisation abandoned long ago amidst terrifying destruction. These are the Aeldari, a race that is all but extinct, the last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns.

Codex: Craftworlds contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Craftworld Aeldari collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Remnants of the Fall: the origins of the Craftworld Aeldari, their glittering rise and tragic fall, and the ongoing, desperate struggle for survival that consumes them utterly;
– Organisation of Craftworld warhosts, along with the strategic disposition of Aeldari Craftworlds – this includes a breakdown of the colours, symbols and iconography of the worlds that remain, and the structure of their armies;
– Detailed background and heraldry of the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann and Alaitoc;
– Wanderers of the Stars: brief profiles of more Craftworlds – Altansar, Il-Kaithe, Lugganath, Iybraesil, Yme-Loc and Mymeara;
– The Doom of the Aeldari: a timeline of significant events both before and after the Fall; presented with the proviso that much knowledge has been lost, this concentrates largely on the Age of Survival with important battles and discoveries listed;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Aeldari army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Craftworld Aeldari army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 46 datasheets containing rules for every Craftworld Aeldari unit and miniature;
– Army abilities reflecting the Craftworld Aeldari’s methods of war on the tabletop,;
– The Forge of Vaul: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Craftworld Aeldari;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– A Lethal Elegance: rules for Battle-forged armies, including –
– Craftworld Attributes for the following Craftworlds: Biel-Tan, Ulthwé, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, Alaitoc;
– 6 unique Warlord Traits available for any Craftworld Aeldari commander;
– 5 Craftworld-specific Warlord Traits, for the 5 named above;
– 26 Stratagems, with 5 Craftworld-specific;
– Remnants of Glory: a selection of 13 rare weapons and artefacts;
– Rune Disciplines, allowing you to choose between Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate for your models with the Psyker keyword;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Craftworlds: $15


Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 78 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Craftworlds gamer. Included:

– 13 psychic power cards – 12 from the Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate disciplines, along with Smite;
– 26 Craftworlds Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Craftworlds army as found in Codex: Craftworlds including 5 which are Craftworld-specific, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Objectives from Codex: Craftworlds.

Eldrad Ulthran: $25


Eldrad Ulthran was once chief amongst the Farseers of Ulthwé. Eldrad has lived for over ten thousand years, and has successfully guided his people along the twisting paths of fate since the Fall, and throughout the rise of the Imperium. Time and time again, Eldrad has averted disaster for not only his former craftworld, but the entire Aeldari race, committing acts of heroism hidden within severed strands of fate, regularly offering sage wisdom and tactical aid to those who fight against the overwhelming forces of Chaos that beset the galaxy.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Eldrad Ulthran. Standing tall, wielding a beautifully-jeweled witchblade and the Staff of Ulthamar, he wears impressively elaborate armour reflecting his status as high Farseer. Patterns of psycho-receptive wraithbone runes are secreted about the model – Eldrad is said to have devised over a dozen distinct runes.


Even his billowing cloak is inscribed with runes, demonstrating his psychic might – as a backup, should his psychic abilities fail, he carries a shuriken pistol also.

This kit comes as 13 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round base.

Farseer with Singing Spear: $18


This is a resin kit in 3 components which makes an Farseer with Singing Spear. Model supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Autarch with Power Weapon: $18


This is a resin kit in 6 components which makes an Autarch with Power Weapon. He holds a power sword in his left hand, with a choice of fusion pistol or reaper launcher in the other and be modelled either with banners or Swooping Hawk wings. Model supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Bonesinger: $15


This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Bonesinger, armed with a psytronome shaper. Supplied with a booklet containing a datasheet with rules for fielding this model in games of Warhammer 40,000 and a 25mm Round base.

Farseer: $15


The first Farseer miniature ever produced by Games Workshop, back for a week only! The Farseer is a single-component metal model, which comes armed with a shuriken pistol and includes a 25mm Round base.

Farseer with Staff: $15


This is a metal kit in 3 components which makes a Farseer with Staff, clutching a shuriken pistol. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Warlock with Witch Blade: $12.50


This kit contains a metal Warlock with Witchblade, a single-component metal miniature. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Dire Avenger Exarch with Diresword: $12.50


This kit contains a metal Dire Avenger Exarch, a single-component metal miniature wielding a diresword and holstered shuriken pistol. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Warlock with Singing Spear: $12.50


This kit contains a metal Warlock with Singing Spear, a single-component metal miniature. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Howling Banshee Exarch with Executioner: $12.50


This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Howling Banshee Exarch, who carries an executioner. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

Ranger Kneeling/Observing: $12.50


This is a metal kit in 2 components which makes a Ranger Kneeling/Observing, who carries a Ranger long rifle. Supplied with a 25mm Round base.

That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.