This week’s pre-orders are here! General’s Handbook 2017 and many Age of Sigmar Box Sets are just a few of the gems in this week’s lineup!
Games Workshop:
Table of Contents & Article Summary
General’s Handbook 2017 – Warlord Edition
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: General’s Handbook 2017
Collegiate Arcane Mystic Battle Wizards
Slaves to Darkness Harbingers of Ruin
Aleguzzler Gargants Colossal Crushers
Deathrattle Barrow Lords
Tris’ Order Allies: Stormcast Eternals
John’s Order Allies: Sylvaneth
Jamie’s Destruction Allies: Moonclan Grots
Warherds Bloodfeast Gorgers
Max’s Chaos Allies: Clan Skyre
Ben’s Death Allies: Deathlords
Daughters of Khaine Blood Coven
Spiderfang Grotz Venom Clan
Barbed Venomgorse
Nighthaunt Tormented Spirits
Eldritch Ruins
Shardwrack Spines
Lucius: The Faultless Blade (Hardback)
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Open War Cards
Warscroll Cards: Ironjawz
Warscroll Cards: Sylvaneth
Warscroll Cards: Bonesplitterz
Warscroll Cards: Beastclaw Raiders
Agent of the Throne: Blood and Lies (CD)
That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.