New AoS & Hints of Custodes for February?

By Rob Baer | January 1st, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

custode talons war hor

A new figure has arrived from Games Workshop for the new Age of Sigmar Malign Portents, and possibly a Custodes Release in February.

There is only about 2 days left in the countdown for the Maligned portents, and Games Workshop has dropped us a new teaser. Let’s see what they had to show us this time.

All four orders now have a champion for Maligned Portents:

Malign Portents is the beginning of a dark and dangerous new era for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with each Grand Alliance seeing Harbingers – prophets, seers and emissaries blessed with strange abilities – rise to meet the oncoming threat. For the forces of Chaos, these are the Darkoath Warqueens, tribal leaders who practice diplomacy with the edge of an axe. For the forces of Death, the Knights of Shrouds command legions of the undead as they execute their master’s mysterious bidding. For Destruction, the Fungoid Cave-Shaman prophecy doom, annihilation and the best battle their ladz have ever seen.

Today’s reveal gives us another mighty champion for the Stormcasts!

Order’s champions are the Lord-Ordinators, a new kind of Stormcast Eternal that combines a mastery of engineering with the storm-forged might of their brethren.

The Question still remains however, what the heck IS Maligned portents?

malign portents

Some folks say it’s an expansion for Age of Sigmar the game, some say it’s the same thing for “Shadespire”, and follow that up quickly with their belief that “Shadespire” isn’t even its own game at all, it’s just the first Season or Edition of the skirmish version of Age of Sigmar.

Whatever you believe, the big reveal will be on Wednesday, so make sure you check back to find out what all this build up has been since August!

Some other food for thought:

Depending on the release date of this new Lord-Ordinator model, that may explain the little teaser that we saw already from January’s White Dwarf:

jan white dwawrf 2018 cusodes plastic

A Whole Lot of Gold?

Is that a teaser the style of White Dwarves of years past that means they’ll be painting up the new Stormcast above, or something… else gold? Or is there any chance it could mean we’ll finally be getting a Custodes release for 8th edition Warhammer 40k, with this model as its vanguard?

Custodes Trajann Valoris

The Warhammer community has been consistently growing, and Games Workshop is doing a great job at showing their appreciation for the 100,000 followers they now have on Facebook. Captain-General Trajann Valoris, master of the Adeptus Custodes, is a great looking mini, and looks like he’s going to be a great addition to your Custodes army.

So whatever is on the way, AoS or hopefully Trajann after the big dual Nurgle release, here’s to an awesome start to the Hobby in 2018!

What do you think about Malign Portents? Are you looking forward to AoS becoming a little more grim? Let us know in the comments below.

Age of Sigmar Malign Portents

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