Gorgeous Fan Made 40k Helsreach Part X Has Arrived!

By James Rodriguez | February 6th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaplain grimaldus helsreach x

Helsreach Part X is finally out and it looks amazing! Come find out what happens in the latest installment of the fanmade movie. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Helsreach has been an epic story thus far, and today we’re getting a look at Helsreach X. Without further ado, we give you the latest in the fan-made short, Helsreach X.


Helsreach was an amazing book back in 2010, and now Richard Boylan is making it an amazing fanmade movie. Helsreach Part X had us glued to our screens as we watched, and we’re eagerly waiting for the next video in the series.

Helsreach X

Helsreach X Helsreach X Helsreach X

This has to be one of the best fanmade videos quality wise we’ve seen so far. Richard Boylan has taken his love for Warhammer and perfectly showed us the story of Helsreach so far.

There’s definitely more to come so make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates.

Speaking of fanmade films, it looks like we won’t be seeing the full movie for The Lord Inquisitor anytime soon as Creator Erasmus Brosdau just gave us his official announcement on why it looks like it’s going on hiatus.

There’s nothing easy about making these fanmade movies, the idea is great, we all want to see a full-length Warhammer film, but few people have the time and budget to pull it off. We completely understand where Erasmus Brosdau is coming from, but we’re definitely sad that The Lord Inquisitor may never be a reality.

What do you think about Helsreach X? Are you looking forward to the next video in the series? We want to hear your thoughts, drop us a line in the comments below.

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