Gretchin or Flagellants Rampage New GW Advent Engine

advent-rumor-engine-wal-horA possible new Weirdboy assistant has appeared as another of the GW Advent Engine rumors for everything Warhammer is here.

Games Workshop has published the Advent Engine Calendar again for 2023 after a year’s break.

Once again, they will reveal a new rumor engine every day for 24 days in December, hopefully with a giant Christmas Day preview at the end.

Advent Engine Day 12

Advent Engine

Warhammer Community has unveiled another Advent Rumor Engine, and this time, it looks like it could be for the Orks! However, this could also be for The Old World (probably more likely), but our hopes are held high for Gretchin!

Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for Warhammer.

Gretchin or Flagellants Rampage In New GW Advent Engine

Advent Rumor Engine 7

Well, there are a few key clues here: the small arm (well, for how buff everyone in the game is), a chain hanging, and the angle of the miniature. It could be for AoS, as it doesn’t seem too techy.

But who doesn’t want more Orks?

New GW Advent EngineIf you look at the Gretchin, he matches a lot of the clues. The nails look a lot different, but other than that, the angle, the chain, and the size of the arm all look pretty spot on. Plus, this is a fairly old miniature and could definitely use a rework. Especially considering this is finecast, and GW is trying to eliminate that, we could easily see a rework!

Maybe the new lighting bolt nail will help siphon the powers of the WAAAAGH better.

New GW Advent Engine 2Alright, now that we covered the entertaining option, this one might be a little more possible. Flagellants for the Empire are getting a new kit! If you look at the chain, the hands, and the weapon, we wouldn’t be surprised to see them get a reworked kit for the Warhammer The Old World.

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this new GW Rumor Engine be the new Orks, Empire, or something else? 

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