Grey Knights Soloing Daemons: LVO Army Showcase

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Grey Knights might have it bad in 8th edition, but this army is one of the coolest ones we’ve seen. Check out these Grey Knights beating down Daemons.

The 2019 LVO brought players from all around the globe under one roof to roll dice. That being said, there were some amazing armies spotted on the tabletops. Take a deeper look into this dynamic Grey Knight army.

LVO 2019

Grey Knights Soloing Daemons: LVO Army Showcase

 by Team Second Founding

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These Grey Knights are displayed on some old ruins fending off Tzeentch and Khorne Daemons on their bases. Want to talk about a converted army? THIS is a converted army.

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Sheildslamming a Bloodletter in the face while knocking the wind out of another Daemon with your boot is an awesome way to depict Grey Knights in the fluff.

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Spartan kicking a Horror is also a good option. The grey and blue secondary colors really add some depth to a normally all-Grey faction.

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Finally, these two Dreadknights are getting the most attention by a Daemon Prince and Screamers modeled onto the base. Breaking a Daemon prince jaw with your fist while your brother is in mid-suplex of a Tzeentch flamer is a great way to show off how badass these guys are. And really, while Grey Knights got nerfed into oblivion, Grand Masters in Dreadknights still know how to kick some butt.

Overall, awesome job hobbying on your favorite faction regardless of the rules. And way to go above and beyond on the modeling! What’s your favorite model out of this army? How many Dreadknights do you use in your 2k list? What’s their most competitive loadout?

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