Grognards Heavy Weapons & Eisenkern: Unboxing & Build

Grognards feature rWargames Atlantic Grognards Heavy Weapons & Eisenkern Stormtroopers are amazing on their own, but also make for the perfect conversions!

This week we are cracking open the Wargames Atlantic new minis and seeing how they look and what all they can be used for. These look great and are just insanely affordable!

Rob is going to show you everything that the models come with, how long they take to build, and how easy the conversions are. That way you can decide if these boxes are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Grognards Heavy Weapons & Eisenkern: Unboxing & Build

Wargames Atlantic site 2Taking a look at Wargames Atlantic’s site, they have all kinds of cool sci-fi minis, but tons of historical stuff as well. They also distribute to tons of stores throughout the world, so if you want to support your local store as well as them, you may be able to pick these up from your local store well. You can find all of the stores that carry WGA on their easy-to-use store finder.

Eskren StormtroopersThe deals they offer are just amazing! Not only do you get a ton of minis for the price, but you also get more off if you buy more boxes. The Stormtroopers are based on the old Dream-Forge release, so you can use those as well if you have some old minis hanging around.

GrognardThe Grognard box is no different, just a great deal all around and the second box we’ll be looking at today.


Stormtrooper sprueYou get four identical sprues in the Stormtroopers box. Since they are all multi-part, they make for great conversions, or just look awesome on their own. With tons of different weapons, backpacks, and bits, the sprue is really nice.

Stormtrooper built


Stormtrooper built 2They go together very easily, but there is a little bit of work to make the gun fit, but nothing too crazy. The detail is crisp and they are super cool models when built.

Stormtrooper built 3They work on either the 25mm or 32mm base. The only drawback is they don’t come with bases, but they are cheap enough to make these worthwhile.

Stormtrooper size comparisonThey are almost the exact size as the Guardsmen so will make a “perfect counts as” for them.

Grognards Heavy Weapons

Grognard Heavy Weapons sprueBecause these are the heavy weapons/command set, they do have a decent amount of different sprues. But everyone looks great and can be used in a ton of conversions or on their own.

Grognard Heavy Weapons sprue 2You also get three weapons sprues in the kit. The only problem is when Rob was building them, they didn’t have instructions up yet, so hopefully, soon they will. To put them all together, you have to use stuff from every sprue, but the nice thing is, you will have a lot of bits leftover, and who doesn’t love bits?  Just be sure you plan out which weapons you want to make because the set only makes two of each weapon.

Grognard Heavy Weapons sprue 3They also have some really cool lady heads, so if you want a female force, you can do it with these sprues.

Grognard Heavy Weapons built


Grognard Heavy Weapons built 2The weapons teams look great when built! the ball turret guy is probably going to be the most used, just because it’s so different and interesting.

Grognard Heavy Weapons built 3Then you also get the option to build two more, normal-type turret guns that can be used as a bunch of different stuff.

Grognard Heavy Weapons size comparisonThey are very similar-sized when compared to the Guard weapons so would make perfect stand-ins that wont cost you an arm and a leg.

Overall, these are just great, because they have a ton of detail and are so affordable!

Get Your Wargames Atlantic Minis Here!

Have you used these in your 40k games yet? Do you like the look of these?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!