Here’s What We’ll See at the GW AdeptiCon Preview Tonight

gw-previews-new-warhammerHere are our best guesses at what GW will preview at AdeptiCon, including Warhammer 40k, AoS, & more!

The preview is quite late this time around (or insanely early if you’re in the UK or Europe) and covers everything. We’ll publish everything with our commentary, so you can just check back in the morning if you cannot look at it that night! However, here’s what you might be in store to see, but first, let’s look at the preview schedule. 

New GW Previews Announced for Warhammer 40k, AoS & More at AdeptiCon 2023

They promised minis will get revealed for five games, and we have at least an idea of what will be this time, thanks to the constant teasers from GW.

Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming preview from Warhammer Community at AdeptiCon 2023!

GW previews AdeptiCon 2023

Fear not though, because the Warhammer Studio will also host the Warhammer Preview Online at 3:00am GMT. Trust us you will absolutely not want to miss this one – it’s going to be a real showstopper. 

The reveal stream will be hosted live on Twitch and Warhammer Community, and you’ll be able to watch it later if you’re still sensibly tucked up in bed or busy working when the show goes live.

This is actually quite late for the east coast of the USA, as they don’t even start until 11 PM there! However, it’s even later for the UK and Europe. Check out all the times below:

GW AdeptiCon Preview Tonight: Here’s What We Might See

Let’s start with the most obvious one! They probably planned on revealing this at AdeptiCon, or some are saying they sent it out for hype. Either way, we’re bound to see more of Dante, and possibly a new jump pack squad to go with him! As his pack is much different than we’re used to seeing.

The new model comes from this Warhammer Community Post.

Primaris Dante

The Day of Revelation has come a little earlier than expected, so eager is Dante to smite the enemies of the Imperium – but luckily for the Lord of Angels, the master artificers of the Blood Angels are at the top of their game. He now sports an up-to-the-minute suit of modified Mark X armour, wrought in his inimitable gold.

The new model is pretty dope and really keeps the feel of the Firstborn version, just much bigger (oh, and tactical rock too, obviously).

Primaris Dante 2


But while Dante might have new bulk, new organs, and a very sleek new style of jump pack, inside he’s the same venerable, iron-willed realist, the archetypal Son of Sanguinius and a paragon of the noble Chapter he has led for so long. When Guilliman awoke, he was so moved by Dante’s wisdom, nous, and sense of duty that he appointed him Lord Regent of Imperium Nihilus – bestowing upon him the sacred task of holding half the Imperium together even in the absence of the light of the Astronomican.

There have been a lot of rumors about a new Primaris jump pack unit, and this looks to be a new style of pack (or at least the style from the Space Marine 2 game). So, it would make sense for Games Workshop to possibly have that new jump unit also ready to send to stores as well.

The Return of The Lion

Coming from the Warhammer YouTube.

They have been doing these little teaser videos for the Arks of Omen books and minis, and this one is maybe even more obvious than the Farsight trailer. Let’s check it out!

Lion El'jonson 40k

The Knight? This is an obvious one, right? Right?! Nope, we still have no clue!

They say they have no clue, but what else could this be? Unless they are coming out with a newly named character, this has the color scheme, the name, and the look to be Lion! It would also make sense with the current timeline of releases and reveals.

They even say his blade reflects the light of a poisoned sky, and we know The Rock is coming under siege. So, really at this point, you almost have to assume this confirms a new Lion El’Johnson miniature.

A New Edition of Warhammer 40k EPIC?

Now, let’s talk about a new edition of Epic. First, we’ve heard rumors for a long time, so it wouldn’t be too surprising. Plus, we’re not the only ones thinking this either; some users have also chimed in on the B&C with similar theories.

NEw Edition of Epic 2

But since there is a little gap between the feet and the base, it seems like the Warhound is only blutacked on the base, which would make sense if they want to switch between normal bases for AT and lower bases for Epic. 

If you don’t remember, Epic had much thinner bases so that the tiny little models could fit on there easier. This is also a case where whoever took the photos could have just not realized the base was made for Epic and just took the photo with the swapped-out base.

However, this is where the plot thickens, so get your Tin-foil hats ready…

seismic previews

Now, stay with us here; look at the preview title for AdeptiCon. SEISMIC Warhammer Preview. Seismic, like Titans walking seismic, or like just big in general? If we had to guess, they might actually be doing a preview about the return of EPIC at AdeptiCon, and not 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

10th edition teaser

That could be why they dropped that Terminator/Tyranid teaser over the weekend (odd to drop a teaser for a teaser). This could then mean they are saving the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k reveal for May at Warhammer Fest…

They will need something huge if they don’t show 10th at AdeptiCon because people would RAGE as everyone seemed to be already expecting something on 10th Edition, so maybe Games Workshop thinks something like Epic will hold people over. The picture above could also be something for Kill Team, as they did promise a box for that at the preview. 

New Space Marines Terminators 

10th edition starterNew Terminators models may also be coming soon, and are more or less confirmed by the picture above! From these rumors, they will not be Primaris; they will stay firstborn and just scaled up and retooled.

These new models will be chunkier, so they stand up to Primaris scale better, and also, they will also be in the 10th edition box! Lastly, we got a rumored statline for them from Bolter and Chainsword.

4W – S4 – T5 – 3A – 2+/4++ Sv. 

We’ll have to see how it plays out, but these are some interesting rumors!

Speaking of 10th Edition 40k or Space Hulk, the question of what may be the focal point for the preview has yet to be answered. Here is what we know so far about both:

Games Workshop Previews New Space Hulk & Not 10th Edition: (March 22, 2023)

Coming from Warhammer Community, from the looks and sounds of it, GW might be previewing the new Space Hulk at the AdeptiCon and not 10th edition 40k!

Terminators Teaser 2

Something is happening at the fringes of the Imperium, but as for what…

All eyes now look to the reveals coming at AdeptiCon later this week.

This is the inverse of last week’s preview, where we now see the Terminator and what is in his gaze. If you ask us, this pretty clearly looks like an Ultramarine, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that any new miniatures couldn’t be for something other than Ultras.

Perhaps more importantly, they say in the video:

Give this brutal hulk some space to deal with the xenos infestation!

This does give some credence to the Space Hulk rumors as they basically spell out Space Hulk, just a little disordered. Either way, from the article and the video, this seems to indicate what will be the big reveal at AdpetiCon 2023 will actually be!

space hulk lore space marinesWe had previously heard Space Hulk was coming in the summer of 2022, but that chatter was abruptly cut short with the 2022 April Fools day emergence of the Leagues of Votann.

However, with Games Workshop now re-igniting Space Hulk rumors, perhaps there is a chance we will be seeing sweet new Terminators and Genestealer models outside of Warhammer 40k sooner than later…

GW Confirms 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Starter Set & Rumors (March 12th, 2023)

Warhammer Community posted up this teaser image with the following caption.

What could this mean?

We’re not sure, but we’re excited…

10th edition starter set rumors warhammer 40k games workshop

So right off the bat, you can see what appears to be a Space Marine Terminator in the eye of some sort of Tyrnaids organism.

If you have been following the rumors, that we will recap below, these are supposedly the contents of the new Warhammer 40k starter box for 10th Edition.

Furthermore, you may notice the “scarlet” stripe is missing from the Warhammer 40k logo that appeared in for 9th Edition. That may be a clear indication that this teaser is for a new edition of the game.

The right shoulder pad of the Terminator also appears to be slightly different, but it could just be artistic liberty as well.

9th warhammer 40k banner

9th Edition Warhammer 40k Logo

10th edition warhammer 40k logo

10th Edition Warhammer 40k logo- no scarlet stripe?

The logo in the teaser video did, however, include the “scarlet” stripe in contrast to the logo in their teaser image.

Here’s everything we have heard about new Tyranids, Terminators, and the 10th Edition starter sets so far.

New AoS Roadmap For the First Half of 2023

New Seraphon Models

There are a ton of new battletomes on the way for AoS, and they promised basically two a month through the summer! We’ve seen pretty much everything on the list now other than the Death armies, so maybe a big rework, or just a new battletome for the Death armies out there.

Warcry & Underworlds Roadmap For 2023

AoS Roadmap 2023 6


Underworlds Roadmap

Over in the Gnarlwood, there are two more Warcry expansions to come in the current season – entitled Bloodhunt and Nightmare Quest. Warhammer Underworlds is expecting one more warband and the Beastbound Assault rivals deck.

So, they didn’t really give too much on these, more or less just a promise of more. At this point, it looks like a new season for Underworlds.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you want to see at the preview? What are you expecting GW to drop?

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