GW Announces War of the Spider & Zoats New Releases

fabius bile walGW just announced War of the Spider and Zoats expansion for Blackstone Fortress pre-order new releases are on the way for next week!

Warhammer Community let us in on what’s going up for pre-order on June 13th. We saw the teasers for both War of the Spider and the long-awaited return of the Zoats! Now let’s check out what all is on the way.

Blackstone Fortress: Deadly Alliance

Bsf zoats

The Deadly Alliance expansion features a quest where you try to quell the Seethe, a maze of shifting chambers that threatens to destroy the Fortress itself. Only the Zoat knows how to prevent this, so you must gain its trust and follow it into the hidden depths. 

There are also rules fo the Zoat in 40k, meaning you can take it in any army! Now just to see how it performs on the tabletop.

Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider

War of the spiderThe book has rules for the Death Guard, Adeptus Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Imperial Assassins, and Creations of Bile, a new way of playing Chaos Space Marines. Keep your eyes on the Warhammer Community website as we’ll be revealing some of these rules throughout the week. 

War of the Spider Collectors & E-Pub Editions

War of the spider collect and digitalOf course, as per usual, you can also pick up the limited collectors edition or the electronic copy, if the original isn’t quite your style.

Fabius Bile & Surgeon Acolyte

Fabius bileFabius Bile returns with an awesome model, which is every inch true to the iconic Clonelord. And he’s not alone. Fabius is accompanied by his Surgeon Acolyte, a twisted creation that helps him with his experiments. The pair are an excellent addition to a Chaos Space Marines army as they can improve their fellow heretics in battle. 

The description hints that Fabius will be a great supporting character buffing other troops. Luckily for us, rules previews will be throughout the week so we won’t have to wait long to find out what exactly he will do on the tabletop1

What do you think about these new releases? Are you excited for the new Fabius Bile and rules in the War of the Spider? Or do you just want to get your hands on that Zoat?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!