GW-Commissioned Remote Control Baneblade: 40k Vintage

By Wesley Floyd | January 8th, 2020 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Astra Militarum, Warhammer 40k News

Do you like over the top tanks and remote control tricks? Check out this custom R/C Bandeblade that was commissioned by Games Workshop!

Back in the day when Forge World was starting to ramp up their brand, they commissioned a HUGE R/C replica of the Baneblade that actually worked.


40k Vintage: GW-Commissioned Remote Control Baneblade


We’re blowing the dust off of this one. But it was paraded around Games Day 2004 in the UK in front of 8,000 cheering fans. With a little background history on the Baneblade, it’s actually one of the oldest tanks known to the Imperium. These were deployed in massive regiments under the Emperor’s reign during the Great Crusade. However, fast-forwarding to M.41, Baneblades are seen as relics.

baneblade cut-away exploded view

Guard regiments are considered lucky even if they only have one of these steel behemoths in their armory. As for the manufacturing of more Baneblades, the STC documents are kept under close guard on Mars and a few other Mechanicum-favored homeworlds. Crew members are from the Guard are selected with the help of Mechanicum personnel and must be reported on there whereabouts at all times.

Now that we’ve taken a dive into the lore, check out the whole build project and more shots from Games Day 2004:










Sadly we don’t know what happened to this work of art, which would be around 15 years old now.  However, you can get the full scoop on how it was fabricated over on Mark 1’s site.

baneblade 2

While there are some really talented hobbyists out there, once in a blue moon we will see someone take the tabletop hobby above and beyond what we could ever expect. With this awesome tank showcase under our belts, will you be building a Baneblade? What variant are you going to go with?

What Regiment’s colors is your tank painted? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.