GW Crushes Salamanders With Another NERF Bat!


salamanders fists 40k faq space marinesSalamanders and Fists got their first FAQ update for Warhammer 40k.  Like Iron Hands before them, they have been Nerfed back to reality.

Warhammer Community announced updates to both Salamanders and Imperial Fists. While both were tweaked, Salamanders got reigned back a lot more than the Fists. We’ll be going over the highlights on all the changes but make sure that you check out the full list yourself if you play these armies on the tabletop.

Salamanders Get The NERF



salamanders faq november 1

Before jumping into the changes, GW made a statement on their FAQ page…Essentially pointing to even more evidence that thorough playtesting has gone out the window. 

With some insanely big power changes to the Salamanders codex, this really just brings them back down to a normal level of reason (like the Iron Hands).  This is great for the game overall, but after a month of feel badsies from opponents, now players who abused the codex rules are getting reigned in.

Fires of Battle can’t do 30+ mortal wounds anymore only giving you a max of 3 whenever flame weapons shoot.

As for Self Sacrifice, you can’t play with the “rules as written” mindset behind it anymore, getting to protect your whole army. GW put out a statement changing the wording so that a unit within arm’s reach can only jump in front of enemy fire.

Stand your Ground also doesn’t give your Salamanders Smash Captain a 2++ storm shield invuln save anymore. (Yes, Salamanders could have a 2++ invuln character absorb everything). Now, this only affects armor saves.

On the bright side, your Thunder Hammers are still good with the Drakesmiter relic+Strength of the Primarch popping 9 damage on a single swing.

Just roll 6’s dawg…

Imperial Fists Get Finessed

imperial fist space marine wal


imperial fists faq november

For Imperial Fists, you can still get the Siegebreaker Cohort formation found in Vigilus (which is the factions’ breadwinner to be real). But you can’t pick the relics from the formation within Vigilus now. They’ve been replaced by the supplement relics.

The Shield Unwavering is in the same boat as the Stand your Ground Stratagem for Salamanders as well. Now, you can’t have a storm shield unit stand on an objective and become immortal with a 2++ invuln save (for good reason).

There are some other minor changes, but Salamanders definitely had their entire book’s moneymakers shaken up. We get there is a lead time, playtester deadlines, and such. However, two codex books have now been gutted by “we’re sorry FAQs”, that alone may have hobbyists keeping a closer eye on thier hobby dollars in the near future. At the end of the day props to GW for addressing the issue and responding in kind.

Do you think GW is rushing out rules too quickly these days? Do these rules seem like simple changes that should have been identified before everybody bought their books?

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