GW Drops FAQ & Indexes For 9th Edition 40k Rules

new warhammer 40k faq wal horGW just dropped all their FAQ and Index PDFs for basically every faction, updating them to the new 9th Edition 40k weapon and wound profiles.

Not only are most armies getting some rules clarifications, all the Space Marine Chapters that are (we think) getting a new book soon got indexes too in the meantime.

GW Drops FAQ & Indexes For 9th Edition 40k Rules

next four 2020 codexesThe Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, and Space Wolves are getting pretty big supplements to hold them over till their books come out. While some of the core weapons are getting a mini rework to make them better suited for 9th.

Let’s check out what Warhammer Community has to show us!

Weapon Changes We Expected:

We previewed some of these changes not too long ago but now they are confirmed and concrete! Here is a rundown of the main weapons changed, but they also changed some more CCW’s which we’ll look at in a second.

  • Heavy Bolters: These upscaled bolt weapons are set to become Damage 2, as befits the unmitigated brutality of being hit by a hail of armor-piercing, mass-reactive shells the size of tin cans!
  • Flamers: Flamers and heavy flamers are moving to Range 12″, all the better to dissuade enemy assaults and hose your enemies down with liquid fire. 
  • Melta Weapons: with a flat +2 Damage bonus replacing its current ability, resulting in a whopping Damage potential of 8! What’s more, the rules team has put the ‘multi’ into multi-melta, as it’s doubling up to Heavy 2!
  • Power SwordsPower swords are due to get a +1 Strength modifier, all the better for chopping up tougher foes with their energy-wreathed blades.
  • Chainswords: Astartes-grade chainswords wielded by Space Marines both new and old will be hitting at AP -1.
  • Plasma Overheats on unmodified 1’s: Supercharged plasma weaponry will soon only ever overheat on an unmodified roll of a 1, so attempting to shoot fleet-winged Aircraft no longer carries a death sentence.

These new rules will affect a ton of different armies. Factions like Sisters and GSC got pretty big buffs due to the new profiles on things like flamers, heavy bolters, and Meltas. Flamers got way more viable now moving to 12″ range. Not only will you be able to fire from further away, but that will mean anytime someone charges a unit with a flamer, you’ll be getting some auto hits (if you overwatch).

Marine CCW Changes:

Each weapon option was updated to give it a more unique role. While matching the new power levels of the game. Let’s look at the changes:

Thunder Hammer Changes The Thunder Hammer still slams hard with double strength and flat 3 damage. But they also greatly reduced the points on this making it more viable than ever.

Powerfist ChangesThe power fist is going to give double strength, -1 to hit, -3 AP, and flat 2 damage. Pretty powerful but not quite as much damage as the Thunder Hammer but slightly more AP.

Chainfist ChangesThe Chainfist will have the most AP but the most variable damage. While against vehicles it will still have flat 3 damage. If your playing against armor, this is the way to go. They said they were making them all unique but they feel pretty similar other than some tiny differences. Guess you just have to decide if you want a little more AP or damage.

Strangely enough, it looks like Sisters and Guard have their Twin Heavy bolters listed as Strength six now instead of five.

Space Marine Supplements:

Space Marine ChaptersWhile most armies are getting an FAQ, five Chapters are getting some serious Indexes, until their codex arrives later this year (and 2021 for Dark Angels). The new indexes have all the special characters, rules, and wargear.

These downloadable PDF’s will replace all the old Codexes until their books come out. Even though it’s not a new book, at least you still get to play your favorite Chapter with updated rules to 9th edition. It’s pretty cool to see them go this route.


The list below is all the factions/ Supplements with a new FAQ:

FAQ ListWhile the Marines saw the biggest changes with the Indexes, almost every other army got FAQ’s. Most are pretty small things, but worth checking out for your faction (like the storm shield change applied to Adeptus Custodes)! They’re also free, so it can’t hurt to go download them now.

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What do you think of the new weapon changes? Are you excited to at least have a supplement for the more unique Marine Chapters?

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