GW Drops Tiny New Chaos Knights Warhamme 40k FAQ

new-faqs warhammer 40kWhile this might be small, it’s still good to know what is changing with your Chaos Knights 40k army in this FAQ!

You know the drill, a couple of new books have been out for a little while now, but luckily this is pretty small, so don’t get too worried just yet

Forge World actually dropped a big FAQ a couple of weeks ago, for Tyranids and Eldar. If you want to check out that other FAQ, you can here.

This one is really not that big so we’ll have all the changes for you here, still, even though it’s not big, it’s good to know what’s changing. If you want to download the new FAQ, you can here. Let’s jump into the changes!

GW Drops Tiny New Chaos Knights FAQ

Chaos Knights FAQProbably the biggest nerf is only being able to do the stratagem in your command phase. Then the Storm of Darkness was probably meant to read the way it does now but is a bummer.

As we said though, almost all actions are performed at the end of your movement phase, so it obviously was supposed to be this way. Lastly, Bow to None is just a strange clarification in a way.

It means you only get the minus to damage when someone is rolling dice, not all the time. So, it’s actually much worse as a D2 weapon does not become D1, it only wors if they roll a 5, and it becomes four. Still, we don’t feel a ton of people ran it anyway, so probably not a huge deal overall. Just makes the trait somewhat useless now.

That’s really it this time around, a nice small FAQ to just change keywords, which is nice to see nothing nerfed too hard immediately.  Download the FAQ here!

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