GW FAQed 40k Chapter Approved 2019 & Forge World Too!

Custodes Caladius new rules forge world warhammer 40kGW also FAQed 40k Chapter Approved 2019 as well today, with changes to Custodes F0rge World units and more. Check out these changes now.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they’ve announced the first FAQ for Chapter Approved 2019! While I know a lot of players are looking for fixes to the Leviathan Dreadnought, etc, those are not in this update.  They may be in a future Imperial Armor book FAQ, perhaps the April update, or even maybe the new Forge World books themselves.

Here’s the latest on what did change.

GW FAQed 40k Chapter Approved 2019 & Forge World Too!

From the looks of it, there is just a lot of additions to the book itself that may have either been omitted or added to the game since December (like Lazarus)  However, there are some amendments to the Custodes Forge World points.

40k FAQ Changes For chapter approved 2019Looks like the Caladius accelerator cannon went down, but the vehicle went back up to 120?  Looks like the “reversion” of the point costs in the printed book may have indeed been a mistake.  Changes to the Telemon weapons too are here and looks like a “punchy” version will run a decent amount less now, which is nice.

For the meat and potatoes of changes, this appears to be it.  The Custodes PDF download on Forge World’s site looks to be updated with these new values as well.

adeptus custodes points forge worldBe sure to read over all the changes for your faction(s) and let us know if there is anything else that needs mentioning because this one really has us scratching our heads.

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