GW Hints at Finished FAQ’s & Updates Errata Page

By Rob Baer | November 17th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Nearly SIX months to the day passed since the first draft FAQ for 40k, but when will they become official? GW just dropped a few hints about it yesterday.

Six months ago GW dropped this FAQ first draft on us, and followed it up weekly with more codex specific FAQs to boot up until about two months ago.  When will we see them turned official by GW? Are they waiting for their own organized play circuit to launch, or are they just using them to put the finishing touches on a whole new rules set?


It is entirely possible that they just used the FAQ’s to unite the community and plan on putting out a finalized form to update 7th just as a rumored new edition arrives down the road.

Well yesterday GW dropped a whopper of a hint on their FB page that the new “First Draft” FAQs would be finished soon. So we shold be looking for those both on the FB page for Warhammer 40k and also the new Community Page as well.


It also appears they updated some of the “Rules Errata for Warhamemr 40,000” to reflect the erratas in the FAQs:

warhammer 40k errata update

Was this updated in September, or just recently – I can not pinpoint the update.

A lot has change for the game of 40k since then, but these are the biggest changes that still have folks talking about five months later. Here’s our Long War approved list of key FAQs ruling to keep an eye on going forward!

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  • Gets Hot rolls on Template weapons  = no preferred enemy re-roll
  • Barrage Twin-Linked effects every scatter roll
  • No hit rolls on witchfires like psychic shriek that have no weapon profile for it’s attacks
  • Void Shield Generator Bubble is fixed
  • Grav affects Void Shield on a “6”
  • Summoned FMC can choose to glide
  • Skyfire Blasts can hit Flyers.
  • Can not move through walls in a ruin
  • FNP cannot be 1+
  • Battle Brothers can no longer start out deploy in each other’s transports.
  • Infiltrate is optional
  • MC’s can charge multiple units
  • Gargantuan and Super heavies must declare all targets first
  • Can Jink VS Overwatch
  • Blasts Specifically hit all levels now –
  • Can’t apply a bonus to Deny the Witch vs Psychic Powers that don’t target you
  • Scout redeploy happens after seize rolls
  • If both players have something that happens at the start of the turn….roll off
  • Monstrous Creatures that are Independent Characters CAN join other units.

Download The FAQ in a PDF 

Check out all 41 images for the new FAQ over on the round up below, and a link to a downloadable PDF or .DOC for them as well!

So the big question is, where IS GW going from here? Less codex books, more supplements, or will they be looking to drop a new “less clunky” rules set next year?

gw logo new long

GW’s 2016 New Release Roadmap Roundup
