GW Increases Price Again on Dozens of Citadel Paints!

technical_image new gw paint hor war

Only months after raising prices on their paints in February, GW looks to be raising prices and the size of the bottles for dozens of paints in June.

If you ask any retailer they may just tell you Contrast was only the beginning. Shop owners around the world starting getting solicitations this week from their Games Workshop reps for not only the new Contrast paints but also over 40 additional paints as well.  Plus what looks to be a complete overhaul of the Air paint line.

Let’s run down the latest on the myriad of new paints and changes to the Citadel line, including Contrast.

Contrast Was Only the Beginning:

contrast 2 Citadel contrast color new paints games workshop buy lineup

Contrast paints are going to be coming in what appears to be an 18ml pots running $7.80 a piece.


Contrast paints are also coming with more new base paints to give your models the proper foundation. Industry Insiders have said that the Grey Seer and Wraithbone paint pots (pictured above) will be part of an add-on of around 15 new base paints to the existing line, for use with the Contrast paints.

They will be priced at $4.55 ea

contrast paint

If some of the names of those new base paints seem familiar, they are! Several of them, in fact, look to be derived from the previous airbrush paint line that Forge World sold up until last summer. Speaking of which…

Forge World’s Airbrush Paints Are Coming Back?

forge world airbrush paints contrast

Alongside contrast paints, Forge World’s old airbrush paint line seems to be hitting the market again through normal Games Workshop retail channels as well!

Going off of name alone, all 26 of the previous FW paints look to be returning, and will be hitting store shelves alongside Contrast soon:

contrast paint 2

As you can see by our exclusive full list of new airbrush paints above, they look to be returning! Industry Insiders and retailers alike have confirmed these new air paints will be retailing for $7.80 a pot.

Forge World PaintNo word yet on the size of these paints, however the previous pot size when they were available last is rated at 18ml.  That may mean that the Contrast paints, which are priced the same as the previous Forge World lineup air paints, may also come in 18ml pots as well.

Contrast pot appears to be larger than 12ml but smaller than 24ml, perhaps 18ml?

Citadel Air:

Citadel Airbrush Paint

Industry insiders have indicated to us that the entire range of Citadel Air now costs the same as Contrast paint, which seems to indicate a new price point of $7.80. That being said, it would make sense that these paints would also come in the new Contrast bottle size that appears to be an 18ml (pictured above in red) for the higher price.

Games Workshop trade sales reps were mum on the matter of bottle size in their pitches this week to stores, presumably because the reps themselves did not know.

It’s also worth pointing out that the new price of $7.80 is up from the adjusted price of $4.55 that went into effect in February with a previous price of $4.25. That price change again reflects what appears to be at least six more milliliters of paint in the pot- now going from 12ml to at least 18ml.

contrast size pots

Photoshopped image From Citadelcolour’s website showing relative sizes of paint pots. Horizon used for scale, 12ml pot pictured left, and 24ml pot on the right.

Assuming the pot size is now 18ml for both Contrast and the Air paints we can conclude what looks to be a stealth price increase.  This is because the price will have increased on Air Paints about .08 cents per ml with a total increase per pot of $1.44 since January 1.  Again this is all assuming a pot size of 18ml based off images from Warhammer Fest and the Contrast website itself.

Retailers have also reported that on top of all that, stores have to carry all the new paints- Contrast and otherwise, in order to participate in the Everchosen worldwide painting competition this summer.

everchosen painting contest

To celebrate the new range of Citadel Colour paints, we’re marking the occasion in style with a new type of painting competition – a global event that you can enter locally in stores across the world, and with a prize worthy of a king…

So in addition to the one thick coat excitement, we’re also getting a surprise new Base paint lineup geared towards contrast and what looks to be Forge World’s air paint re-release. Plus potentially a new larger pot of air paints as well.

Look for all this new hobby goodness to hit stores in just a few short weeks.

What do you think your painting table is going to be loaded with in the near future, now? Are you going to be branching out to the new Contrast paints? What kind of Forge World air paint was your favorite?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.