GW Names Three New Characters & 5 Things You Need To Know!

By Rob Baer | December 20th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

female inquisitor sisters

Do not miss this one folks, GW just confirmed new Characters, Plastic Sisters, Celestine, and the war that is coming to Cadia.

Games Workshop had lots to say on their Twitch Stream today, and we have transcribed the highlights for you:

Belisarius Cawl

What You Need To Know About Gathering Storm: The Fall of Cadia:

  • Abaddon is leading the 13th Black Crusade into the Cadia Gate once again.
  • GW has confirmed these Sister models are plastic, with Celestine being the first official plastic Sister:
  • The three “new” Characters are: Inquisitor Greyfax, Belisarius Cawl (Ad Mech), and Celestine the Living Saint!
  • There are datasheets in the new book for them and Belisarius was said to be T6 with 5 wounds. The opposite page from him also looked to have the rules for Canticles which may foreshadow his exact faction. Also apparently he has been running around for 10,000 years “doing something that will be revealed in this book”.
  • The “best Warhammer 40,000 story is starting in 2017, and will go on into 2018 and beyond.”

black crusade fall of cadia gathering storm

Checkout the amazing gallery of new miniatures, and art from the show as well: (images via Subscriber Echo Base Artisans)

plastic sisters celestine artwork

Celestine arrives on Cadia, defiant in the way of Abaddon’s Crimson path:

celestine living saint confimed

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And of course all this kicks off, SOONcadia planet
cadia planet fall jan 7th date

cadia planet fall jan 7th date

Get your wallet ready for an amazing start to 2017 as these models and supplement will start to go on sale VERY SOON:


New Gathering Storm: Fall of Cadia Supplement Roundup:

It’s finally happening! Come see Games Workshop’s very own pictures what they had to say about these new plastic Sisters of Battle models!

It’s Official, Plastic Sisters of Battle are coming, and judging by the pictures below, sooner that Games Workshop was letting on.

Look at all the new miniatures! So remember that quote heard around the world about new Sisters models recently?

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

Well now it’s tuned into:

“I’d like to see Saint Celestine at the head of a Black Templar crusade into the Cadian Gate”

Skip to 5:31 below:


Now while the reply was “never happening”,I think we know they we’re just messin’.



Sisters of Battle Picture Roundup

Preferred Enemy: Wallet strikes again!