GW Notifies Retailers About Black Templars Allocations…

black-templars-army-boxThe Black Templars Army Launch box is going to be MTO, and Games Workshop just notified retailers about their allocations for this release.

We’ve been saying this for a long time now, GW just needs to MTO their big releases. It’s our opinion (and we imagine we’re not alone) that they don’t need to use Fear of Missing Out Sales (FOMO) sales tactics because there is enough hype and a big enough customer base now.

They did this with Octarius and Indomitus, so let’s hope it continues! This really eliminates some of the secondary market shenanigans and keeps more hobbyists happy!

Black Templars Launch Box Going to be MTO

Black templars launch box

A LOT of boxes have already been produced – but to ensure that nobody who wants one misses out, the factory has pledged to fulfil every order of the Black Templars Army Set placed on before 8am BST (that’s UK time, but this is the worldwide cut-off point) on Monday the 11th of October. If you pre-order yours after the initial stock sells out, the factory will make a box just for you.

Orders will be shipped on a first come, first served basis – it might take a few months to get your Army Set if you get in late, but you’re still guaranteed a copy if you make it in before the cutoff. When you place your pre-order, it will be clear whether you’re buying existing stock or the Made to Order version, so you’ll know what to expect. And as we’re expecting heavy traffic when this set goes live, the webstore queue will be active this weekend for UK, US, and European customers.

We always support the MTO option and it looks like we were right on guessing the queue is coming back. While it may take a little longer to get it, at least it’s guaranteed.

By releasing it this way (they don’t call it MTO but unlimited), everyone will be guaranteed a box no matter what, while it may take a little longer, it’s better than not getting the box you want. Still, if you can get it from a local game store, please think about ordering it there as it sends a message to GW about how to responsibly market their products.

It’s a win-win because you will get the box right away and support your local store(s) and the community as well! This is super important right now to help keep them growing in a truly rough time.  Speaking of gaming stores…

Store Allocations & Shipping Update

According to this update, GW sent stores today, they will get the quantities they ordered for the release of the Army box on September 16th.


Fantastic news.  Whatever number of Black Templar boxes you placed with your account manager is the quantity you will receive for launch.

Orders will start going on the system Thursday, October 7.  You can start selling Saturday, October 16.

If you have any questions, do not respond to this email, but please reach out to your account manager. 

Thank You- Games Workshop NAS Trade Team

This is great news and an even bigger reason to order it locally than from Games Workshop directly.

New 40k Black Templars Army Box: Pricing & Value

If you’re wondering what type of value is in the upcoming box, we’ll break it down below for you.

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shotThe Army Set contains 13 miniatures, including 12 new Black Templars – a Marshal, the Emperor’s Champion, and a 10-man Primaris Crusader Squad with a ton of build options. You’ll also get a Redemptor Dreadnought, for targets that require a more forceful elimination.

These could all change, but we think the values below are pretty spot-on:

  • Primaris Crusader Squad $60 (Based on other Space Marine Intercessors)
  • Redemptor Dreadnought $65 (existing kit)
  • Emperor’s Champion $40 (based on recent character releases)
  • Marshal $35 (this could be on the low end, might go up to $40)
  • Codex: $30 (supplement)
  • Datacards: $25

Total MSRP: $255

Estimated Value: $55

The new box will cost $200, and the value is basically identical to the Orks Beast Snagga box minus $20 for a supplement codex book instead of the main one at $50 (you still need the Space Marine codex book to use).

Looks like GW likes that price point for both value and pricing.

blood angels combat patrolIt’s not the craziest box ever, but you do save some money, get the rules early and grab a bunch of new minis. However a key takeaway here for us is that you get about the same value from this as any of the combat patrol boxes, but end up paying $60 more at the register for the Army box configuration.

Regardless, if it has value to you, then get it. If it doesn’t, then don’t! Don’t let the FOMO get the best of you if you really aren’t sure about the minis.

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

Are you excited about the new box? Will you be picking it up?

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