GW Previews New Custodes Units & Stratagems

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New weapons & stratagems ahoy! Games Workshop just gave us another rules preview for the Adeptus Custodes release. Come check out new elite units and Stratagems.

The new Adeptus Custodes codex is on its way, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about it, some of the new elites, new rules, and two new Stratagems.

Custodes Custodian Wardens

Custodian Wardens may, at first glance, appear very similar to Custodian Guard, and indeed, these elite warriors perform much the same role as their brethren, but with some added benefits. The first of these is Binding Oaths, a special rule that further boosts the durability of a unit that is already very hard to kill.

Custodes Binding Oaths

With Binding Oaths, you’ll roll a D6 each time a model in this unit loses a wound, and on a 6 the damage is ignored. The chances of rolling a 6 are low, but a couple lucky rolls could save a unit that would’ve otherwise been defeated.

Custodian Wardens can also be equipped with castellan axes, deadly melee weapons that aren’t quite as effective at piercing armour as the guardian spear, but provide a massive +3 boost to the wielder’s Strength!

Custodes Allarus Custodians

Allarus Custodians, on the other hand, are relentless Character hunters. Encased in Allarus Terminator armour, these warriors have 4 Wounds apiece and can teleport onto the battlefield, allowing them to close in in close combat very quickly indeed.

Custodes Slayers of Tyrants

Slayers of Tyrants is going to allow the Allarus Custodians to get in close and stay there. After you pile in and consolidate a unit with this rule they can move up to 3″ towards the nearest enemy Character even if it’s not the nearest enemy model. The only catch is they have to finish this move within 1″ of an enemy unit. This is going to combo really well with their new Stratagem.

Custodes Inescapable Vengeance

Inescapable Vengeance costs 2 CPs and is used when you select a unit of Allarus Custodians to attack in the Shooting phase. That unit will then be able to target enemy Characters even if they are not the closest enemy model.

The Allarus Custodians are also getting the Unleash the Lions Stratagem.

Custodes Unleash the Lions

Unleash the Lions is going to cost 2 CPs and you’ll use it at the Start of your Movement phase. You’ll then select a unit of Allarus Custodians and split them into separate units, each unit containing a single model. So if you decide you want to hold to different objectives, spend the command points, split them, and send them in different directions.

The armies of the Adeptus Custodes have also received new support options in the form of Vexilus Praetors.These warriors bear the standards of the Adeptus Custodes into battle, designed not just to inspire those who fight around them, but infused with mysterious crypto-technological abilities that aid both the Golden Legion and the Imperial forces that fight alongside them.

Custodes Vexilla

The Vexilus Praetors can be equipped with one of the three following standards:

Custodes Vexilla Standards

Vexilla Imperius will add 1 to the Attacks characteristic for Adeptus Custodes models, excluding vehicles, while they’re within 6″ of any friendly Vexilus Praetors with this vexilla.

Vexilla Defensor is going to give Imperium Infantry units a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons while they are wholly within 9″ of any friendly Vexilus Praetors with this vexilla. Guardsmen and Marines everywhere are liking this one for sure!

Lastly, Vexilla Magnifica forces your opponent to subtract 1 from hit rolls in the Shooting phase for attacks that target Adeptus Custodes units within 6″ of any friendly Vexilus Praetors with this vexilla.

Solid abilities for sure! The new vexillas are really making the Vexilus Praetor seem like a must-have unit for your Adeptus Custodes armies.

All in all this preview is making the Adeptus Custodes look extremely intimidating on the tabletop. Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when we get a preview of even more Stratagems from the new codex.

What are your thoughts on the latest Adeptus Custodes preview? Are you going to be playing this army when the new Codex comes out? Let us know in the comments below.

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