GW Previews New Mini 40k Rulebook For Next Week

By Rob Baer | September 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space marine new warhammer 40k rulebook

We had heard rumors of a new edition of 40k rules were on the way, and it looks like this may have been it. GW just previewed a new “mini” rulebook!

Warhammer Community just previewed a newer smaller version of the Warhammer 40k rulebook that will go on pre-order this Saturday September 28th!  We had been hearing rumors of a new “edition” of the rules since August, and this may be a gaming blessing in disguise.

Remember the Kill Team rulebook that was just re-released for 2019? It was updated with the latest rules errata, so fingers crossed this mini rulebook will be updated with 2 years of Erratas for the game as well! This may just be what players needed to keep up with all the changes to 40k since 2017.

Plus don’t forget September’s big FAQ is on the way too soon as well.

Let’s dive into the rumors, and what we know now from Games Workshop:

Rumors of 40k “8.5” Edition Emerge

Now while it’s unclear what exactly this new rulebook will contain, this was the rumor we say back in August:

An Industry Insider is saying that a “new” edition for Warhammer 40k is coming soon…

New 40k “8.5” rules this fall with all the new release fan-fare, after back to school time.

Who remembers hearing things like “…you’ll only need one book to play the game”, and “…all of the units would be great options for any army”? That was 2017, and from there, things kinda went sideways for a bit…

It’s better now, but in 2019 just to find and collect all the basic rules to play the game, will require a FAQ longer than that original 40k rules pages themselves, and two years of big FAQ updates.

In some ways we’re basically coming out of a 40k beta edition, two years removed.

GW Previews New Rulebook

new warhammer 40k rulebook

The Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook is a thing of beauty – but nobody could claim that this magnificent tome of lore and rules is particularly portable. If you’re running short on bag-space in advance of your next battle, you’ll want to get your hands a copy of Warhammer 40,000 – The Rules, a nifty little book that takes all of the rules from the main book and de-biggens** them for your convenience! 

Not much meat to go on about what will be inside the book yet from Games Workshop. However with 16 or so pages of Designer Commentary for an 8-page ruleset, plus 2 years of erratas it could be a hard sell if they just shrunk the existing rules for resale.

Hopefully, we’re getting an updated book to the 2019 version of the rules, in easier to carry option!

But what are your thoughts about a new 40k rulebook? Would you like to see all of the rules and points reprinted under one book albeit smaller?

What September’s Big 40k FAQ Could Look Like…

warhammer 40k Faq wal hor marine spaceIt’s about time to see the Big FAQ hit for Warhammer 40k again. With that said, what could be in store for the game this time around? Read More

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