GW Previews New Psychic Awakening 40k Rules & Contents

space marines psychic awakening warhammer 40k title wal horDon’t miss GW’s latest rules reveals, for Chaos, and Space Marines as we run down their latest Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury preview!

Warhammer Community gave us a teaser of previews. Black templars and other Traitor Legions are coming inside. However, we’ve just gotten a general overview of the book. With a table of contents as well as some generic rules that’ll be found inside, let’s jump in starting with the latest updates:

Psychic Awakening “Faith & Fury” Rumors:

From these previews, It looks like the only box sets for this release may be a new Chaos Sorceror and the Sisters of Battle Army Box. Which is further supported the recent release sheet leak.

november 29 product pricing rumors

So now that we have a good idea what releases are happening around the end of the month for 40k, here are the latest rumored rules updates:

Sisters of battle army set

Back to Kikasstou on B&C, he gave some possible (very) good insight on what’s ahead:

  • Black Templars and Chaos would be the main two factions in Volume 2.
  • Librarians, Chaplains, and Techmarines will have the leveling system introduced. (Level 2 Chaplains know one extra litany, for example).
  • Level 2 Techmarines will head flat 3 instead of D3 when they repair.
  • Making a character a level 2 unit will come in the form of a 1CP Stratagem.
  • All Space Marine Chapters will have access to upgrading characters to level 2.
  • Black Templars can’t use any Imperial Fist supplement rules; Psychic Awakening vol. 2 will be their “supplement”.
  • Sadly, there won’t be any new Black Templar Primaris models for Helbrecht, Grimaldus, or the Emperor’s Champion.
  • The possibilities are open for a new Chaos Sorcerer.
  • Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle will also be present. However, would not be the main focus.

It appears that the rumors of Templars getting their rules in Faith & Fury may have some merit after seeing the pre-order preview on the 10th of November:

Faith datatcards

It then presents a host of new rules for the Space Marines – including a codex expansion’s worth of rules for the storied Black Templars Chapter – and loads of awesome new content for the story’s antagonists, the Heretic Astartes.

chaos wal lord discordantSpotted on Faeit 212, there’s a screenshot of a user on Facebook named Lagrath who is pulling some “rumors” from the Tizcan 40k Podcast. (Yes this looks like a he said-she said rumor). However, as we know nothing aside from the factions that will be in the second wave of Psychic Awakening, we can’t ignore what comes up. Check out the latest as we move into the second wave of Psychic Awakening.

Originally spotted somewhere on Facebook by a user named Lagrath:

chaos rumors psychic awakening

Pulling out the highlights of these rumors, the mention of two-wound units coming to Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Berzerkers, and Rubric Marines is definitely nice. However, it’ll be interesting to see the lore standpoint behind all this. As Chaos Marines don’t have explicit access to a Rubicon Primaris (which is what gave regular Marines an additional wound and such), GW may just say that these guys are warp-fueled or maybe Fabius Bile has done some genetic “upgrades”.

Clues To the Lore & Table of Contents

psychic awakening 3 preview avenging son

Starting off with more clues to the lore advancement, a heretic named Thaneus (who was executed) gave some unpopular opinions about the human race. He then mentions Daemons coming out of the Cicatrix Maledictum in untold numbers that will essentially devour everything in existence. To sum it all up, these were the words that got him killed with the Ordo Hereticus stamp of approval on the bottom of the page.

We had also heard rumors that a Chaos Daemon 2.0 codex was on the horizon now as well, which may make sense in the near future from this missive…

It’s always nice to see the lore move forward. But it looks like things haven’t gotten any better since we saw the Aeldari chime in with the first Psychic Awakening book.

psychic awakening 3 table of contents

Moving to the Table of Contents, it looks like generic Space marine support is on its way to Librarians, Apothecaries, Ancients, and Champions. We heard rumors about upgrades coming to these battlefield roles earlier (above) as well. 

You’ll soon be able to spend Command Points before the battle to promote a Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian, Apothecary, Company Ancient and Company Champion to the highest-ranking members of their order in the Chapter.

psychic awakening 3 master of sanctity

Just how the rumors mentioned above, we will be able to spend an extra CP to beef up some of our characters. For the Master of Sanctity,  this stratagem lets our Chaplain know an additional litany, Just keep in mind that he’ll also have a big target on his back and this Strat is only usable once per battle.

Black Templars with all of their named characters look to be making it into the book as well as the previewed Traitor Legions getting a few pages of support as well!

More Space Marine Support Revealed

psychic awakening 3 master of the librarius

As for more Warlord Traits coming to the Astartes, High Scholar of the Librarius can give them access to powers in a different tree as well! That means Phobos Librarians will be able to make a unit of Infiltrators reroll all their hits and then Shadowstep away if they’re Raven Guard, for example.

psychic awakening 3 the endourant protector

Master of the Forge looks to be only for an upgraded Techmarine. You can give them the Endourant Protector relic to give them +1 toughness and give them a 4++ invuln save. That’s decent if you’re someone who runs a ton of vehicles and plays aggressively with Techmarines. It might not be worth it if you prefer keeping them back with Thunderfire Cannons.

Heretic Astartes Rules & Relics Revealed

chaos wal lord discordant


psychic awakening 3 daemon weapon

Daemon Weapons are going to be a whole list of relic weapons given to the Heretic Astartes by the dark gods. They’ll all give something different, but also come with the Daemon Weapon rule. This rule looks to be just the bad half of Abaddon’s named Daemon sword. There’s always a 1/6 chance that you won’t get to fight with the weapon.

psychic awakening 3 zaal khorne relic

GW gave us an early look at the Khornate weapon, Zaall. This sword gets beefed up depending on how well you roll for the Daemon Weapon rule from above. If you roll a 5+ on your dice, you’ll also be adding +5 to the strength of the weapon at -5 AP and two damage flat.

While none of the specific Chapter/Legion rules were covered, what do you think about the generic support on the way? Which character will you be upgrading in your army with Stratagems?

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Psychic Awakening Rumors: 40k Daemons Getting A New Codex

daemonette close up chaos demon hor walIt’s been a minute since we heard rumors on Daemons in 40k. With one of the earlier codexes in the series, they may be getting more support soon.